So tonight we found out that my Uncle Don (whom just lost his wife, and his Grandson Adam is in a coma) is now also in the hospital. He went in early this morning and as of right now they don't know what is wrong with him, they are running tests. Their family has been through so much already, with some being with Adam in California and now some at the hospital in Utah with my Uncle and still reeling from the death of my Aunt just a few weeks ago. Sometimes it is so hard to see the light at the end, I have a strong faith and yet sometimes I wonder what all this means in the big plan. Why all this at once? Jimmy and I are struggling with our own road ahead, with so much being uncertain. If it were not for the Gospel I truly do not know where I would be right now. I feel drained and sad and pain that I have not felt in a very long time. I was also reminded today of my sweet friend whom lost her child a year ago that would have started 4th grade with Lexi and Gabby. We picked Gabby up this afternoon after school so that they could play and they both spoke of Kenzee several times. I feel, just sad.
It seems sometimes when people are living the gospel and following it as best as they can- the road ahead is the roughest. It doesnt always make sense and it just makes things that much more confusing. I feel that the adversary is working harder to make us waiver in faith. Stay stong, "this to shall pass."
Your family will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. If you would like I will call the surrounding temples and have their names put on the prayer list. Just let me know.
I AM sorry Marylin! I understand this great sadness you are feeling. It seems everywhere I turn some tragedy is affecting me or someone I know and love. It is just that time it seems. I just keep reminding myself of what I DO have and being as grateful as I can. It helps.
Sorry, Marylin. :( It seems like crappy things happen in waves. Last year was like that for my family, and it seemed like it took forever to get out of the dumps. We are not spared from heart ache and sorrow, but promised to have the Lord by our side through it all, which is the greatest comfort to be had! You have so many people who love you and I'll be throwing my prayers in with theirs in your behalf! Take care!
I'm so sorry that you are having a hard time, when you walked away at church you looked a little sad, I wish I would have noticed before than. If there is anything I can do for you please let me know, even if it is just someone to talk to. In the mean time I will pray that you find comfort through this rocky time.:)
I'm so sorry that you are having a hard time, when you walked away at church you looked a little sad, I wish I would have noticed before than. If there is anything I can do for you please let me know, even if it is just someone to talk to. In the mean time I will pray that you find comfort through this rocky time.:)naexmlx
At my friend Aimee's funeral there was a quote on the program that said, "Trials do not happen to punish the wicked, but to strengthen the righteous." It just made me realize that the Lord loves us and that no matter what He has us in His thoughts.
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