I guess maybe I am becoming immune to her attacks because when I got home last night from my fabulous friend Sara's house (we did a work out video) Jimmy informed me that grace had cut her hair. He said that he had put the girls to bed and went in to kiss them good night a little later and he found Grace with scissors and she had cut her hair. At that point I was too tired to think about it and I just went to bed thinking it wasn't gonna be too bad. Then she came into my room this morning and I almost cried, all her pretty curls were GONE!! To top it off Lexi came in a few minutes later holding a large chunk of her own hair in her hands and explained that Grace had taken the scissors to her hair as well (while she was asleep) . Lucky for Lexi she has so much hair that you really can't tell, but Grace was another story. I remained somewhat calm and just thought "It's just hair, it will grow, and it can be fixed." I made a quick call to Sara and enlisted her to help me fix the Fox tail hair cut that Grace had given herself. She came to the rescue and was able to give Grace quite the cute cut!!! Thank you Sara a Million times over, seriously you saved Grace from being sold to the Gypsies!!
Go ahead and laugh, I know it's funny! Just be careful how hard you laugh cause the scissors can strike anyone at anytime without warning!! :)
Go ahead and laugh, I know it's funny! Just be careful how hard you laugh cause the scissors can strike anyone at anytime without warning!! :)
This is Grace & Lexi after the run-in with the scissors!
This is while Sara is fixing her hair!
This is the end result, I actually think she looks pretty darn cute! When I asked Grace why she cut her hair she told me she wanted to look like "Darby" from Pooh and Friends. Crazy girl!!

Once again I am feeling so blessed to have all boys. I feel for you, but her cut did turn out pretty cute. If I were Lexi though, I'd be sleeping with one eye open for now on!
That is too funny!! I love the tail. What a cute new cut though!!
OH. MY. GOSH! Scissors are evil. Why is it that little girls can ALWAYS sniff them out no matter WHERE you hide the scissors? Gabby cut her hair alot...and Riley's once too...but not this much. Oh my! And I cried for a LONG time when she did!
Nooooo! It's definitely easy to laugh when it's not your own though. I can't believe she cut Lexi's too. What a stinker...but such a cute stinker! Oh my gosh, she is too funny...and crazy. You can't help but love that little face!
Oh, that has been my worst nightmare! I don't even know why. Probably because I know it's coming someday. Not that I worry about my kids going to their hair, I can just see Maddox taking those scissors to my hair. Anyway, she does look pretty darn cute! That last picture she looks a lot like her dad. I hadn't noticed before the hair cut.
Whew! It looks like things turned out okay...cute new hairdo! August cut Addison's hair right after the babies were born. It sounds like you handled it better than I did though. :)
It seems like every little girl does this at some point. Tayler has done it twice and I wasn't able to fix it. It is still growing out from the second time.
I would've freaked out on her, good for you for staying calm. In the end though, the hair cut is to die for! TOO CUTE! I love when little girls have stylish haircuts. LOVE IT!
Poor Lexi! Where did Grace get the sissors? We've had some self hair cutting experiences but none as bad as that :)Kaia is still growing out her hair cutting experiment.
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