So first off I must acknowledge the fact that Jimmy and I were given our new callings!! Jimmy was called to the nursery (we have 4 in our ward) he will be in there with James and the snacks so who can complain???!!! I think it will be good for him! I was called as one of the Girls Activity Days leaders and I am with Lexi's age group, that should be good for us to have some special time twice a month where she won't have to compete with her siblings! She is excited and I am too!
In our Gospel Doctrine class today the lesson was given by a couple that just returned from their mission in Warsaw, Poland and they did a marvelous job sharing a few of their experiences from the mission and then also some suggestions on how to be better at sharing the gospel in our own lives. They included some roll playing, my favorite part, on how we can bring it up in just about any situation. For myself, I spent much of the class thinking back on times that I have shared the gospel or had discussions about my beliefs with friends, family or strangers that might believe different than I. My Dad, being a convert to the church, has given me a true appreciation of how the lives of many are changed by just one coming to understand the truths of the gospel and acting upon them. I realized that I really need to work on putting my self out there more, not being afraid to share!! Let me start by jumping two feet in and sharing the things I believe and know to be true
I know that my Heavenly Father Loves me and knows me
I know that the true gospel of Jesus Christ is here on the earth and that modern revelation is real.
I know that President Thomas S. Monson is a Prophet called by God to lead His church
I know that Christ lives and that he sacrificed so much for my sake and without Him there would be no grace!
I know the Book of Mormon to be the word of God and I am grateful for the tool it has been in my life
I know that I can be with my family again someday and that we will be together forever
I know all these things to be true for I have prayed and studied the scriptures and been humbled one too many times to ever deny it.
In D&C 4:4 it Reads For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;
If for no other reason being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has brought peace to my life and strength to get through all the hard things that I have and will go through.
Happy Sunday! Love to You
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