I have been working hard for the last several weeks to get my house all beautified and after yesterday I am feeling pretty good about things! Jimmy took the kids to his parents to work on laundry (no washer and dryer yet) so I could work on the house in
piece and quiet!! I was able to get so much accomplished and the best part was that it stayed that way for longer than 10 min!!
AMAZING RIGHT??!! So before they got home last night I took pics of the areas that are feeling mostly finished so I could show all of you that I haven't just been sitting around eating bonbons (
who the crud ever ate those anyway??) There are still a few things needed, like curtains for the family room and some art for the guest room, I have all the ideas in my head but have yet to have the money to acquire the final touches, all in time I guess!!
Guest Room/Office/Sewing Room

The piece in the above picture is one of my favorite finds!! I will be doing a post soon on all the amazing things that I have acquired at garage sales/clearance sections/craigslist (free stuff). But the little table was from a garage sale last weekend, it is a 1940's nurses bed side table, now the significance of that is, my Grandma's nurses uniform from WWII is in the shadow box!! I was so excited when I found it, and even more when I only paid 10 BUCKS!!

Oh this is another favorite bargain find, this was originally 60$ and I paid 11$ at Target on clearance! I have several friends in Vegas that will be loving the print!! :)

To all the husbands out there, please don't be jealous of the fact that my husband goes to bed each night feeling like a princess underneath a canopy! I try to tell Jimmy that it is actually quite functional as it protects us from the mosquitoes :)
I LOVE eclectic stuff, old mixed with new, colors, textures, masculine and feminine styles all together. The little side table above was made by Jimmy when he was in High School and the chair was from Pottery Barn but I got it in a consignment shop for 75$ about 8 years ago!!!

This framed letter is the love note that Jimmy wrote to me when we were 10, I kept it all these years and then decided it deserved to be displayed!!

The woods look really dark in this picture but the day was almost done and there aren't a lot of lamps in there yet! They are more cherry ish and brown, I still have some things I want to refinish in this room but they have to wait in line as I have other projects to do first!!

This is the hallway upstairs that I decided would be the perfect place for lots of old and new family pictures! I am not a sketch it out kind of girl, I just start hanging stuff until I like the way it looks!
Oh, it's so fun to see inside each other's homes. Everything looks great!
Your love note is too sweet. Now I want to read it!
Holy cow, woman, you HAVE been busy! I LOVE your decorating style. I think eclectic design is a tough one to pull off, but it's obvious from the pics that you're a pro! I love it all! GREAT JOB. :)
I am thoroughly exhausted. You must have worked your tail off. Everything is beautiful!
Lookin' good chickee! Love the picture wall!
Everything looks so good. It must be so nice having a place of your own again to do with what you want and to have ROOM for everything! When do the girls start school? I hope it's a good experience for them.
I really like your picture wall. vey nicely done.
Oh my gosh...my bathroom looks almost just like yours...same layout. Now I have ideas to spruce mine up...
Your house is looking so good! I'm glad you have a more spacious space to live in :)
BEAUTIFUl!! It really looks like a home, and I love your bed too. I wish I had a love note from my hubby as a 10 year old. That rocks!
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