Now I try to encourage my children to develop their talents but Grace takes things to a whole new level! She loves to cook and bake and while I allow her to help me when I cook, she can often be found playing with her own kitchen & fake food. Well as of late she has decided that fake food is for little kids and she is a "big kid" and so she should be able to use real food for her dishes!! Her favorite ingredients to use are:
flour, sugar, salt, pepper, uncooked pasta, sprinkles and pretty much anything that she can get her hands on. Now in case you are thinking that I leave all of this out for her to use, that couldn't be farther from reality, she has learned to scale the shelves in my pantry to the very top so there isn't much that is out of reach! She also loves painting and coloring but because of her criminal record we keep those kinds of things under lock and key. The following pictures and video clips are over the period of two days in the life with Grace!
Oh Yes I am all about child labor in this house! If you are old enough to climb counters, open canisters and pour out the flour you are old enough to help clean it up.This here lovely painting was done with ink from one of the Asian countries that Grandma visited and brought back for Alexis. This ink is not in the approved list of things Grace is allowed to use so she waited until all was dark and quiet in the house to launch a surprise attack! What a World! And yes that was a jelly bean that she pulled out and then threw across the room! As you could see she was very remorseful about it all. Any takers of a 4 year old that hates to wear clothes and lives to make messes!???I would also like to thank the makers of Dyson, Magic Eraser and Clorox Cleaner w/ bleach for your assistance in my life for without you Grace may not be alive!! One little request please upgrade the magic eraser to also remove "ink from Asian country" thank you.

Oh my! How much fun! I'm tired just looking at the messes you have to clean up! :) I love those magic erasers too! They've saved a few lives! :)
Marylin- I'm so sorry! I must admit that I laughed a little when you kept saying, "AWESOME" and at the bit about the jelly bean.
Dont you love it when you clean the same area about 20 times per day and cant even tell that you've touched the area with any sort of cleaning supplies?? My little Owen is BIG into tagging everything including himself lately- love it
I have one of those little “mess makers” myself. I don’t think people can truly understand how they can make those kinds of messes while your home with them, unless they have one of those kids also. It amazes me how FAST my little Macy can destroy things and turn a room upside down.
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