This is not about weather to be clean, but rather which fashion to do it in. I have been a lifetime bath lover, when I was little my mom would put me in the bath and I loved sitting underneath the warm running water. I would pull my knees into my chest and just let the tub fill up while letting the water run over my legs, just thinking about it makes me want a bath. To this day I still take baths most of the time, although there have been months and sometimes years where I will only take showers. I am pretty efficient in both cases, I can be in and out in just a few minutes if needs be, it just depends on my mood really. When I was in High School I would use my Mom's huge bathtub fill it with tons of bubbles, put candles around the edge and listen to music and just relax, I didn't have children then. If I were to try that now, the candles would end up in the bath with me, thanks to James, the bubbles would be used for beards and blowing all over, and the music would be drowned out with "Mom! Mom! Mom!"
Well recently I heard several teen-aged girls saying how they don't take baths because you don't get as clean when you do, and how sitting in the bath is just gross. Had I been a part of the conversation I would have given my two cents, but I wasn't, so I didn't. It did make me wonder, am I the only one (besides my Mom) out there that still LOVES to take a bath?? Are you a bath person or a shower person?? Hopefully you are one or the other, because trying to fit in the sink is just tricky and could be dangerous! Is taking a bath no longer "cool", because all the girls seemed to be in agreement, does this younger generation only take showers?
I like to soak in the bath and then take a shower after. I agree with the girls that you don't get as clean when you take a bath, but I still like to soak in the tub for a couple of hours. Of course I am like you and have to take a bath after the kids are in bed otherwise they end up in the tub with me or playing in the water. My kids do love to take baths though. I make them shower because it is quicker.
We must be related:)
I just got out of the tub (I was in there for 2 hours)
Ethan is currently in the tub, where he has been for nearly an hour. So it must run in our genes.
I have heard the comment that you don't get as clean, but I use the running water to wash my hair. I never really worry about it.
We have a separate tub and shower, the shower head has been broken for at least 6 months. So it is only a bath for me.
I think people in Europe still take baths. I love to take them to relax, but I don't take them to get clean. I take a shower every morning but save the baths for after the kids are in bed and I can sit all alone. My kids on the other hand hate the shower so they all do baths. I think you get clean either way.
Just took one last night. I don't take baths to get clean though, I only do it for relaxing. Oh how I love them though!
I am a shower first, bath second person!
I also shower first and then soak in the bath. I get all clean in the shower and then run a bath when I need to relax. I can't shave my legs in the bath unless I've already washed my hair and don't get it wet again afterward or unless I rinse off in the shower after, it gives me the heebi-geebies having all my little stubby hairs all over me! I guess I don't ever wash in the bath, only soak and relax. But I am looking forward to the big garden tub that my new house has in it! I will definitely enjoy me many a long relaxing soaks in that bad boy!
I take showers more that baths but I do love to take a bath on cold winter nights with some candles and a good book. Wow, that sounds good. I think Ill do just that tonight.
I think that I'm a shower person in general. But I do love a good bath when it's cold outside, or I'm tired, or under-the-weather. I love to take REALLY long showers and just enjoy the sound of the water, and the heat on my face.
Love, Love, Love a hot bubble bath. Took one last night too after playing in the snow all day. LIght candles, grab the ensign and SOAK! I always have the best night sleep after a good hot bath too.
But I do shower for actual cleansing purposes.
I ADORE hot baths. Steaming hot. Just had one today during the girls' nap time. Reading a book. I don't take them to get clean either, because I usually add oils or bubbles and I don't want to wash/condition my hair with that water. And I don't like hair stubble in with me either. But I can't live without my baths. Samuel, on the other hand, agrees with the teenagers, something about "soaking in your own filth" or something, but...whatever!
Hahaha! Don't worry I still take baths. Especially when I am cold. They feel sooo good.
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