Well for the last two days it has been snowing non stop! The kids have gotten out of school and Jimmy out of work, so how come I don't get any time off?? Aww being the Mom is fun, right? Right?? All three kids have had some fun in the snow and both Jimmy and I have taken turns shoveling the drive way! Today I took the girls down to the park to do some sledding but it got VERY cold and windy after an hour so we headed home! Now we are doing some laundry and cleaning the house since there's nowhere to go and not a ton to do, but I am gonna go have some hot chocolate!

welcome to colorful colorado. Can't help loving that place! Wait a couple days and it it be warm again. Thanks for the pictures.
Welcome dear Marylin, to my personal hell. Or as some like to call it, a Colorado winter. ;) We had hot chocolate for breakfast. Yum! Tom's work just delayed their time to start work 'til 10. Lame! And what a good woman you are to shovel the driveway. I started then wussed out after 3 minutes. It's freakin' cold!
I have a love/hate relationship with the snow right now. Although I'm not complaining about the sudden "necessity" for hot chocolate! Glad you are enjoying it!
I would love to have all 4 seasons here... but im sure you will be sick of it by ummmm... tomorrow!! haaha!!
Snow! WOW!
I did snow for 2 years in college and that was enough for me. As pretty as it looks, I really do hate the cold. It was windy and in the 50/60s the last three days and I was miserable! Good luck to you this winter....I would take the heat of the summer over being cold any day. Love you!
BRRRR, all that snow is CRAZY! (and beautiful.)
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