Today as I sorted through the last piles left to organize in my room I came across a few things that had been my Grandma Novakovich's, it has been more than 11 years since her passing and being in Colorado makes me feel closer to her. She and my Grandpa raised my Mom here spending their years in a home in Wheatridge, CO, my Mom is the youngest (and most spoiled :P) of five kids and there is a large span between she and her older siblings.
Anyway, that gives a bit of background, My Grandma was a vivacious and spunky little women, she was a teacher all her life, if it wasn't in the classroom it was in her home or garden. The latter being her favorite, she loved her oodles of rose bushes, pruning them, talking to them, watering them, weeding the area around them to keep them healthy and beautiful! One of my fondest memories is when we would pull up to her house she would be standing out front in her "house dress" working on her roses. As kids we often played "Florist" pretending to sell the flowers to each other, I loved the way they smelled and the variety in colors. Grandma won awards for her roses and they had even been written about in the local paper, she was proud of that and would often show me the clippings she had saved.

After she passed away her home was sold, I remember being especially sad knowing that I would never get to bring my kids there to play in the fort we had built amongst the tall Pine trees, or to run along the clothes wires that hung along the side of the red brick house, or smell her roses. However, shortly after we moved here I took them to drive by it and see what the new owners had been doing with it, I had been warned that it looked very different, but seeing it in person hurt a little. The roses are all gone and the house itself is barely recognizable with the new "addition", if you can call it that. The one thing I can take solace in, is knowing that the Roses in Heaven are the best around. Love you Grandma



Hey Marylin! So cool about your Grandma, thanks for sharing.
Hey Marylin, cool stuff about your Grandma, thanks for sharing, you are such good blogger I can tell
This was a sweet post, it made me think of my own grandmas. I can't believe that is the same house. The only thing that looks the same is the driveway!
Such a neat history!
Man! You were not kidding when you said it had changed! I wouldn't have recognized it as her house if you hadn't labled the pictures! I MISS HER!! Thanks for sharing the picts!
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