I know it has been too long since I last my Sunday post but let me start fresh instead of playing catch up K.
1 Nephi 3:7
And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which theLord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.
Today as we attended our new Ward for the 2nd time I must say that it was a reminder that we are where we are "supposed" to be. The Lord has brought our family here, yes with some pushing, OK, dragging a bit at times, but we are in the place we are meant to be, and I think that's what has made this an easier transition. This time in my life reminds me of Nephi and how he was told to do things that were not easy and yet he was willing to obey the Lord, no matter what. I feel that I have made every attempt to be open to what the Lord has planned for me and for our family. I am grateful for the lessons we have been taught and are being taught, it has been very trying and I have had low points but when I am able to remember that the Lord has His hand in All things it makes it easier to go through the hard things. I work everyday to do as the Lord would have me, I know he loves me and he has a plan for me, if I were to fight His will then I would be missing out on blessings that He has in store. I feel blessed to be in a fantastic new ward, to be in a great neighborhood, in a nice home, with my family around me. What else could a girl ask for? OK, well I asked for chocolate chip cookies and I even got that!! Did I say that I LOVE my new ward!!??
I have always loved this scripture. Maybe because I could sing to it?? :-) But it's been a definite favorite!
I'm glad you're in a good place where you feel happy and at home!
I'm so glad you love your ward. That is such a huge part of our lives and it's so nice when you feel like you belong and you can go and just be happy to be there. It's fun reading your updates and haring how things are going. I miss talking to you!!
I'm happy you are loving your new ward! That really makes a huge difference if you have an instant support group to help with the transition. Thanks for the scripture!
I am so glad I got caught up. It looks like things are going great. I'm so happy for you guys. I will inform Kobi. Nice house by the way.
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