My little man is growing up! Today he is 18 months old, I was so busy working on the house that I didn't notice the date until tonight so I pulled out the camera to take a couple impromptu pictures of James! He is a sweet boy and his smile still melts me every time, he loves to laugh although at times it seems like he is trying to hold it in and he gets very serious! James loves people and is very friendly when we are out and about or at church. Here are some of the latest stats
14 Teeth with more coming
Loves the Nursery at Church!
Bed time is 7:30pm
Wakes up 8:00 am
Loves to sing and dance
Loves to play Ball (any kind)
Loves to follow his sisters around
Wants to wear everyones shoes but his
Thinks he is very funny (he is)
Is a Mama's boy
But can't wait till Daddy comes home!
Very easy going!
Loves to Go in the Car
Wears 12-18 month clothing
Baa Baa (when he sees a sheep)
Oh Wow!
Dog Dog
Moo (when he sees a cow)
Makes Great Car/truck sounds
Nods & Shakes his head for just about every question
I love being his Mom and I love watching him learn new things and I love that he is part of our family!!
what a little cutie!!
What a little doll. Happy 18 month b-day James!
You guys haven't been gone that long, and I swear he has already changed! What a cutie pie...thank goodness, because after all...he IS marrying my daughter. ;)
He is adorable and has the cutest little smile. I can't believe it's already been 18 months. Isn't there some way to stop our boys from growing so fast! I wish. Hope things are going well for your family. We miss you!
18 Months already--They grow up to fast! He is a cutie!
He still totally reminds me of Jimmy. I don't care what anyone else says!!!!!!
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