My Mom never claimed to be the best at coming up with cute hairdos but this is just plain mean!! And what the crap was wrong with the photographer, didn't they think that maybe my eyes were an important part of the picture!! It's not enough that my teeth are crooked (I HATED THEM GROWING UP) and I was always trying not to show them but now my only good feature, my eyes, are hidden!! I swear I need counseling, Again!! :) LOL Mom, stop laughing, this is serious!!
So we could not have any scissors around the house. At least we had shampoo and toothpaste! I like the angel kisses on your nose! Your ears are nice. So what if your can only see out of one eye.
I have a hairdo from 3rd and 4th grade that tops that one. My teeth were terrible before braces too but I think I'm okay now.
love it!
That's just great! I love it :)
Too funny! I love these sorts of pictures. Especially the front shot with the ghost sideways shot in the background. In Napoleon Dynamite he has those hanging in his house. They really just scream 80's! Tom has pictures that have made him ask his mom how she ever let him out of the house looking like that and she just laughs hysterically. Sad thing is that our kids will probably say the same thing to us. :)
Rachel, that is actually one of my other personalities!! :) One more reason I need counseling!!! LOL
this makes me laugh so much because when I was little i looked like my mom put a bowl on my head and cut my hair... so, I have the same issues!!!
Lol!!! I think we ALL have a picture very similar to this one! The one that I'm thinking of came for me in 3rd grade when I came to school in my favorite outfit and I had done my hair all by myself that day and was quite pleased with the result! When I got to school my best friend greeted me with a gasp and perfect ringlets in her gorgeous hair (her mom had obviously helped her) and she exclaimed, "OH NO! Janelle, did you forget that it was picture day today?" Sad. yes, I know. I was crushed! And the picture turned out horrible!
Oh, I so have a picture like that. Although mine includes a big huge cold sore on my lip. Love it. Thanks for the laugh.
I see some resemblance to the wonderful picture you posted of me on facebook!! I'm sure we were totally in style! Very cute! I love old pictures.
Marylin, you make me laugh! Seriously, this picture is AWESOME!
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