Yes, it's true! I am ashamed, OK, well not that ashamed, maybe just a little bit!
My family (everyone) often comment that I am alive because of the invention of Cereal, it has been a staple in my diet for as long as I have been eating! There is something about the crunch and milk and sweetness that just calls my name "Maryliiiinnn, Maryliiiinnn!" I wake up craving it in the morning, and for the most part, I eat the same kind day after day after day, sometimes multiple times a day! In fact I don't think I ate much of anything else the four years I was in High School! The Frosted Mini Wheats started while I was pregnant with Lexi and I have devoured it since, any kind really, and I try to keep different flavors on hand so I have a choice. In fact, as of two days ago I had 6 boxes of Frosted Mini Wheats in my pantry, now to be fair, James and Grace also enjoy them and will often eat them for breakfast as well. Jimmy will partake once in a while but mostly he just lets me eat my self silly with the delicious little buggers! I mean how can you go wrong with a meal that lends itself as a main course, for breakfast, lunch or dinner, not to mention a snack for the hours in between!
I suppose the last week as we have been "camping" in our house hasn't been soo bad for me because, well, my favorite food is more acceptable to eat three times a day if needs be! What? Don't judge me! :)

Cereal is the best! I'm an addict too and if I was told I'd have or give it up or die, I'd die. AND FROSTED MINI WHEATS (all varieties) are also my favorites! Lol!
That is too funny! Every now and then I'll enjoy a bowl of such but not too often. My husband, however, can eat it out of a trough!
You are hilarious! I love it! Especially the photo of you with your drug. :)
"They tried to make me go to rehab and I said..."
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