Probably one of my least favorite things is when I come across a sippy cup forgotten! You Mom's know the kind, the ones that have been left under a bed, or slipped behind a couch, or in the back of the car. The ones that when you shake them just a little the sound of sloshing nastiness is only the beginning because you know when you open that lid the smell will just wipe you off your feet!
(Some give tutorials on quilting/wood working/painting/ hair doing, Me I do them on cleaning a sippy cup!!! Where else will you get this good kind of information?? Huh? You blogging Mama?)
Then you have two choices, throw the disgusting thing away or clean it! I usually clean it, but only because they cost an arm and a leg to replace them at the rate I would need to at our house! I have two sippy cup users, Grace being the most prolific, she has an addiction to Carnation Instant Breakfast like her Mom has an addiction to Frosted Mini Wheats!! I have developed a method to the cleaning of the said sippy cup, first I hold my breath and open the lid with the hot water running and garbage disposal on, this way as soon as the curdled milk/juice is exposed I quickly fill the cup with the Hottest water possible and dump it down the sink. Then I rinse it a couple times before adding liquid soap and filling it again with Hot water, then it will sit in the sink for a little while in this condition before it enters the dishwasher! If the smell still lingers after one or two rounds in the dishwasher I let it go with the trash man on Thursday morning to sippy cup heaven!!
No one tells you about this part of parenting, it's like a secret that everyone is afraid to mention, worried that if it gets out their could be a second thought on parenting all together! It's up there with the playing of feces in the crib or the cleaning of throw-up or pee stained sheets at 2 O'clock in the morning!! These are the things you don't think about as you shop for the cute little baby clothes and bedding, it feels like you will have this cute little doll to dress up and then when you want to go on a date with your husband or take a bath alone you can just set the said "baby doll" down for a long nap and go about your business!
Yesterday while working in the girls room I found 6 of these sippy cups and as I type they are waiting their turn to be disinfected and made new again. So as some might have the sweet smell of brownies or homemade bread in their kitchens, I have something stuck between milk and cheese waiting for me!! Off I go!
Love to You
you and I are way too much alike!! But I draw the line... if the cup is left in the car... it goes in the trash! especailly in this vegas heat... there is no way in *you know what* am I going to try to clean a cup that has been left in the car. Oh and try boiling the little plastic stoppers. It helps me sleep better at night knowing that I at least disinfected those stupid little things!!!
Everything you said...so true!!
Unfortunately, I know exactly what you're talking about. When I find one I always hope and pray that it's filled with water. The milk ones really do almost knock you out. Good luck with cleaning those puppies out!
P.S. Activity days IS tomorrow at 8 at Carie's. Tell Lexi to wear PJ's and a bring a board game if she wants.
That is the worst. I get so mad when I find a lost sippy cup cause I know what is inside! Gross!!
Thanks for the sippy cup tips! I know I will need those now that Jensen is a frequent user of them. Not looking forward to it though!
Been there ........ doing that!
hahahahaha! I never mention this because all this time I thought I was just a lame-o Mom who doesn't watch her child well enough! I swear it's a weekly ordeal at my house and I only have one kid. My heart goes out to you for dealing with a double dose of gross-ness!! Hang in there. If it gets too bad let me know and I'll mail you some sippy cups! ;)
I went in search of 4 sippy cups just the other day. I wondered where they had all disappeared to and I found 2 in the play room, one outside and of course one in the car. I just prayed Logan did not find the ones in the play room and try to take a drink!!
That used to happen to me and my mom suggested to use baking soda as they are soaking in the hottest water possible! That always did the trick for me :)
i SO know what you are talking about. i have those pop up often. i just go on a case by case basis as to keep the cup or not :)
I go for the 99 cent ones at Walmart so that I won't have too much guilt when I inevitably throw them away... soooooo totally can relate to this! :)
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