D&C 8:2 "Yea, behold I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart."
Today in Church I was a bit distracted, yes by three children but mostly by my own mind. I was kind of in and out the entire time, getting bits and pieces here and there, yet most of the time was spent silently praying for guidance and piece of mind. Many times I have experienced life changing impressions or revelations while sitting within the walls of a church building. The Lord is so smart because he has allowed us to have these buildings that are dedicated and prepared in such a way that even with little ones crying, crawling around, eating gold fish to keep them quiet for just a few more minutes, we are able to feel the spirit. Personally I have received the inspiration to expand our family in the case of James and Grace while sitting in Relief Society or in the Nursery! I believe that the Lord has blessed me so greatly through the Holy Ghost so I try very hard to live my life in such a way that I can feel it. I don't wish to go throughout my week without knowing I have some backup! I know that Jimmy was guided while we were sitting in Sacrament Meeting on August 25th 2002 that he was to marry me and that boy follows his promptings because he purposed that night!!
I pray that I will be able to always listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost so I might teach my children through example and so that I can help my husband in guiding our family the way we should go. So here's to a day that perhaps didn't lend itself to all the insights that were being taught through the lessons but I was spiritually fed through the Spirit.
***And on another note, a few posts back I talked about the "Salt Chaser" and last night I made the most perfect combination of Salt and Sugar, it doesn't bode well for my "Biggest Loser Challenge" but that is why I gave some away and made everyone else eat most of them, but I had a taste or two!! :)
It ended up being pretty simple, a little messy but very tasty. So here is how I did it. I bought both white and milk chocolate Almond bark (about $1.98 at Wal-Mart) I also found these great caramel pellets in baking section right near the chocolate. They are all capable of melting in the microwave which shortened the time to make it all. I then purchased pretzel rods, but any shape would work ok.
Step 1 Melt the caramel and cover about 3/4 of the pretzel leaving enough to use as a handle (side note:prepare a sheet of wax paper on a plate to keep it from sticking)then put the caramel covered pretzel on the wax paper,place the plate in the fridge allowing it to cool. (About 10 Min)
Step 2 While the pretzels are cooling begin melting the chocolate remove the pretzles from the fridge and again spoon or dip 3/4 of the pretzel in the chocolate covering the caramel entirely. Then place them back on the wax paper and put in the fridge let cool (about 5-10 min).
Step 3 Next melt the remaining chocolate (which ever one not used previously) remove plate from fridge and then drizzle chocolate over the pretzels while they remain on the plate. For one last time place the pretzels back in the fridge and allow to fully cool (10 min) REMOVE THEM AND ENJOY!!
So you are absolutely amazing! All the things you do, family, church, husband, mom, craft, blog, cook....ummm lots more but you are truly amazing and I wanted to tell you I am so lucky to have met you through Mesa. You are wonderful and I love the friendship that you two have. Truly one of a kind!
K - I totally had to make these! You had me cravin' them BIG TIME! Definitely trouble...so yummy!
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