These are the type of girls that have decided that Lexi is not" cool enough" to hang out with them, they exclude her from all of their "coolness" unless they need something from her. For example one afternoon it was raining pretty hard by the time school let out and twit "A" didn't have an umbrella but Lexi did, suddenly twit "A" was so sweet to Lexi and "would you please walk me to my car so I won't get wet" of course my Lexi wanting to be accepted and being too nice walked her to her car sharing the umbrella. These girls have said some awful things to her over the years, things like "Your belly sticks out too much" "Your glasses make you look nerdy" "That shirt doesn't look good on you" "You can't play with us". Now I have always instructed Lexi to be kind and not be rude back but to just avoid them and play with other girls, and up until a couple years ago that worked. Then the summer of 2007 came and she lost all three of her closest friends in one fail swoop! One was killed in a car accident, one moved across town and the other switched schools. It was a tough thing in it of it's self but then to return to 3rd grade knowing she wouldn't have anyone to hang out with on the play ground she just resorted to hanging out with teachers.
It makes me sad to think of my sweet girl just standing by the teachers on the play ground waiting for the bell to ring. Being up at the school I see these little snots in action and yesterday as I served them their hot dogs for Principals Honor Roll lunch I wanted to shove them up their noses! Not only do they exclude her from hanging out with them but they won't let anyone that they like be nice to Lexi. I pray that Lexi will take the lesson of how important it is to be kind to others because she knows how it feels to have someone be soooo rude and I hope it will make her a stronger person but I know all too well how it feels to be left out by the "Cool" kids and it still makes me a little sad to think back. Lexi will make it through this school year and perhaps we will move away and she won't have to be around them anymore but there will always be the "cool" kids no matter where we go and I just hope she will be able to see her own worth regardless of who wants to be her friend or not!!

I couldn't help post this picture of them, but I wanted to protect their identities!! Little SNOTS!!
You go Momma!!! I love it. You are awesome. Isn't it nice to vent? Lexi is such a beautiful girl. I had many school experiences I dont want to revisit either. I was the "FAT" girl. Sucks, but I think their own insecurities are getting the best of them. Don't you wish Lexi can see what you know now? Keep up the great work. love ya
I'm soooo sorry! I've had to deal with the same thing and I SO HATE it! But I LOVE their photo! :) I hope that Lexi will be able to find some nice friends that will treat her right!
Seriously LOL so hard right now!!
It makes me so sad that they do that to her, Lis has gone through the same thing, and so did I growing up. What gets to me is this has to start in the home, I mean what kind of parents do these snots have they have to know their kid is behaving this way don't they? I wish we could send kids like that to BOOT CAMP where they can be bullied and treated like crap! I remember being taught the golden rule when I was 6, I think that should be taught right along with the abc's and 123's!
Can't wait to see ya in a few days! :)
Love your picture of those two girls! I think we've all been in a situation like that one way or another. By the way I love Lexi's glasses! I think they make her look so cute. She reminds me of Hermonie and she is one of the best female characters for girls today. She's smart and strong and she doesn't take anyone's crap. And as she gets older she realizes what an amazing girl she is. And this is one more reason I'm happy to have a housefull of boys!
note to self...don't mess with Marylin! haha
Just remind Lexi, in the nicest way possible, that those are the types of girls that will end up in jail or rehab when they're older. Hopefully the snots will learn their lessons soon and clean up their act.
Not to call anyone out, but what's up with the teachers? They can't recognize this problem and put an end to it.
Do I need to make a phone call. I'm getting mad! LOL
You guys rock!! Thanks for having my back!! The sad thing is that their Mom's act the same as they do, so saying anything hasn't done any good! Their girls "Can do no wrong." oh and one of them has a Mom that works at the school!
Our littlest had the exact same problem. A girl would use her and then turn on her. We later found out that the girl's mom was dying of cancer. Don't fret over what you can't control, think of ways to do proactive things. I went to lunch with our daughter every week for a month and would go out at recess and jump rope with a bunch of 3rd grade girls. I'd bring extra goodies for those that sat with us at our table at lunch. After a month she had some great friends. Just a thought. Oh, and I don't mind being told to mind my own business either. :o)
Hi Marylin! I admit I normally just stalk your blog and wouldn't comment, but I just think you are amazing and so is Lexi! Everytime Kylee has been around Lexi she has been so sweet to her. Kylee loves your daughter. She always asks if I think she will be there when we go for a visit to Carolee's. I wish they could go to school together, because Kylee would definitely be her friend and not put up with other girls treating her friend like that! I know how you are feeling. There is a girl at Kylee's school that is a bully and has to tell everyone that she is the most popular, has the biggest house, etc. She is so mean, especially to this one little girl and has called her ugly, stupid, etc. This little girl, who is gorgeous, smart and sweet doesn't even want to go to school. The worst part is that it got so bad the principal met with both mom's and mean little girl's mom thinks she has done no wrong, even after she had admitted it! So sad! I have had to tell Kylee that what matters the most is how you treat people, that's what makes you "cool". And that mean little girl is that way because she is not happy and is very insecure. Kids can be so cruel! And I think Lexi is adorable! I also love the photo! Sorry for the long comment!
It's so hard to be a kid. I remember those days and I'm glad they are over for me. "This too shall pass" and Lexi will grow up to be an extraordinary person so poo poo on them.
I want to cry!! Poor Lexi. Jaden deals with the same snots at her school too and it drives me crazy!! Kids act how they are taught to act, sadly! We in the past have gone as far as inviting them to her birthday party and they come and are so sweet like they are her best friends, but at school they act as if they dont know her. Its just so sad! Even worse, she is with them 6 out of the 7 days in the week-if you know what I mean. There just no escape:(
I'm so sorry she has to go through this. In a way I can relate Dawson has a little boy that is mean to him because the little boy likes my niece and doesn't like the fact that Dawson is her cousin. This little boy has even gone to the extent of choking Dawson and yes the momma bear in me for sure came out. So you go girl show those little snots who the boss is and we will all back you up!!! Email me your number so we can set up a shopping trip to Joanns, my email is
I love how your "Mommy horns" came shining thru on that post!! I get those all the time too when someone tried to hurt or be mean to my kids. This too shall pass! She will be fine. She will one day be the cool group. As you and I both know... girls like that will always be like that!! And little Lexi will just be her cute self for always!!
Ooooohhh.... I know who they are :) She can always come play with Zack, They get along great!
P.S. I recognize that hot dude serving up hot dogs :)
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