Now I don't think I am too different from a lot of other women out there but then again maybe I am all alone in this?! I am an enjoyer (I know that is not a word) of things of the sweet nature, especially freshly baked cookies, brownies, cake, those sorts of things. My only trouble is that when I eat something sweet I then need a "Salt chaser", you know something to curb the sweet, so I will turn to a cracker or something. Thus causing a problem, because you see once I have a salt chaser I am then craving the sweet again so I have to follow the salt with sweet creating a vortex, and I am stuck going back and forth! Last night in a moment or two of weakness I found my self with one hand with peanut M&M's and the other with a few Cheez-It's (reduced fat of course) first eating the sugar, then as if forced by nature the cheez-it in all it's salt glory! It's a terrible place to find your self, so with all the will power I could muster I took a large drink of water hoping to cleanse my pal'ate in turn removing myself from the vortex of cellulite ! Once in a safe zone I began thinking of how there are very few treats that join these to opposite yet complimentary tastes, and then as if a heavenly choir sang I remembered one of my most favorite things of all time, THE CHOCOLATE COVERED PRETZEL!!! This delightful treat was created with perfection and women like me in mind! Thank you, OH great maker of the Chocolate covered pretzel!
So here is where I need your help! I have made some in the past but never as well as I know some of you can, so I need to know what brand of chocolate is best and then my favorite are the ones with caramel first and then white chocolate, so HELP me with this longing and provide me with some steps of how to make them!! Thanks in advance!!Today is also my awesome nephew Carson's 5th Birthday!! Happy Birthday Buddy! Love you!!
SO I totally KNEW you were going to say Chocolate Covered Pretzels before I even got to that part of your post..LOL...I think while you're visiting we should make some :) Have you ever had chocolate covered potato chips? Sooo good!
Chocolate covered pretzels are sent straight from Heaven!!! You made me crave a salty/sweet treat when I read your post. I wish I had a magic recipe to help you out. I usually just get the bagged stuff.
I too was thinking chocolate covered pretzel as soon as you said vortex! It is THE dessert that has the escape velocity faster than the speed of cravings. I want your recipe once you perfect it. For now I will be satisfied with the dark chocolate pretzels from Trader Joe's.
I am now with you on the craving. Costco sells some, so I think I'll have to get some. I would like to try making them so when you find a yummy recipe please share! Happy New Year to you:)
All you have to do is make sure you get the chocolate "BARK." It is on sale right now at Target for 49 cents!! You can get it in white or milk choc, and it comes in the baking aisle.
My friend gets pretzel rods, dips them in homemade caramel, then chocolate bark. Mmmmmm....
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