Along with my very first quilt ever made you will also receive a few surprises.
Ok so here are the rules, Leave a comment with your name and city you live in, and something funny about you! I will be announcing the winner next Friday. Oh and the other surprise there will also be two chosen for runner-up prizes I will make aprons for those two and they can choose the color scheme, that is why there are not pictures of those posted because they are not yet made! So good luck to everyone and thanks for making blogging so much fun!! Love to all of you!! (Oh and you can enter more than once if you choose!!)
Yeah I am the first to enter and hopefully that will bring me a ton of luck!! The quilt is adorable and I am sure the aprons will be too! This is Brook and I live in St. George!
Hi, My name is Melissa Everett from Las Vegas and I am addicted to your blog! Just kidding! pick me pick me!!
Hi, it's just me your long time best friend in the whole wide world that misses you more than anything ever!!!! Mesa from Marana...hehe..I'm a giant dork that has decided to ryhme :p. Miss you lots!! and Love you tons!
Jill Mennig from Vegas and I am so glad I met before the move. The quilt looks great. Good for you.
Oh Marylin I love the quilt! It's so cute. I wondered why you haven't been on the blog lately. Something funny...I'm the goofy grandma on Jimmy's side who is happy you are a fellow quilter. Bonnie in Parker, CO.
ok, something funny about me..hmmm..well it's probably WAAAY too much info, but one time I was snowboarding, and trying to show off jumping, when I landed flat on my chest. I'm sure that doesn't sound like a real big ol' deal, but my chest is fake, so guess what I broke?! Yep, I had a flat tire by the next day. I'll never forget the look on my hubby's face when I said "do my boobs look wierd?"...
-SO I hope that story doesn't offend anyone. Delete me if it does. I'm just REALLY HONEST!
I'm Jessi from Vegas and I really need a quilt!
Beverly Bunker Baldwinsville, NY. I'm having a hard time thinking of anything funny about me but I thing Jessi's story is funny and I'm not offended.
Ummmm. I don't know how to drive a stick shift. I'm not sure if that is funny or pathetic.
Janelle Biggs of Spanish Fork, Utah! Funny thing about me...well, there really are soooo many to chose from. My fav to share is shooting snot onto a guy's face while we were lip-locked! Totally embarassing, but funny!
Hi! I'm Holly Steffen from Baldwinsville, NY (like Beverly =]).
Something funny about me? Hm...
I have a very "gung-ho" personality. I give 300% to something and then all of a sudden I'll "drop it like its hot" (haha). Hence, my countless 1/2 knitted scarves, my scrapbook that stops at dec07, my 1/2 finished sewing projects... and I'm sure there's others!
So pick me, because heaven knows i would not be able to accomplish something like this on my own! =]
The quilt is beautiful and perfect for fall, but I have to say, I'm intrigued by the aprons!! =]
pick me!
Marylin!! I can't enter your contest because there's *sniff* nothing funny about me *sniff*. :) Well, except that, like you, the misuse of homonyms make me go nuts. -Michelle from "Vegas Baby!", of course. (Or maybe it's Rob who wants and apron and is pretending to be Michelle, heh heh.)
Wow!!!, you are very talented. My name is Ashley and I live in Long Beach California.
It's Steph, and I live two minutes from you. Don't pick me. My vote is for Hollysteffen. She sounds great. Cute quilts! Sara is rubbing off on you :)
I knew you were busy sewing something. I love the quilt, but can I request to be a runner up? I'd LOVE an original apron by Marylin! I don't think I'm very funny but my kids are....does that count? I mean come on, getting stuck in a gate - that's funny stuff. I do have a funny story...I was teaching American Lit and Dave and I had been on a couple dates. He had flowers delivered to my 6th period class one day and the kids all teased me "Woo Hoo, Miss! What did you do to get those??" So the next day in that same class I am starting the Crucible and I'm giving the background to the story and I say, "The story takes place in SEX teen ninety two" (instead of 1692) and they all go crazy - "Oooo, Miss what's on your mind?" They never forgot that the whole rest of the year and any time we said anything with six in it they would say, "Don't you mean Sex Miss?"
Hi, my name is Slim Shady. bahahaha j/k it's Heather Davis and I live in Las Vegas!! Hmmm something keep Owen quiet during sarcrament I make silly some may even consider scary faces! Your quilt looks beautiful!
Pick me, pick me! :) I was told I can't meet with the man until Nov 24th! Crazy, I may try to meet with the assistant next week. What a crazy situation.
L.V. Something funny about me..hmmmm I can't sew a straight line if it was drawn for me. I am definately not Martha Stewart so I would LOVE anything homemade!
Rachel from Denver. Holla! Let's see, now I am a rather funny person so there should be lots. Just kidding! Of course I really can't think of anything right now, but as soon as I'm done commenting I'll think of a ton. Hmmm...not sure if this is funny or annoying, but I'm a total water snob. I only drink water and I refuse to drink tap. I am one of those wasteful people who drinks five gazillion water bottles a day.
Alright, I'm going to vote for Jessi's funny story!! That is if I get a vote.
So, here goes my try at runner up, but I am not sure if it is suppose to be a funny quirk I have or something funny that has happened to me. So I will do both.
Funny quirk- I have an uncanny ability at putting my foot in my mouth and saying completely insensitive things.
Example 1- When Jess and I were first married, before DVR, we had a couple over to hang out. We were watching a movie and my favorite show was about to start. So we turned the movie off and Jess was teasing me saying, "I can't believe you don't care!" I said, "I feel bad, just not bad enough to care!"
Example 2- Two days before Jess and I got married, my friends and I were running down a street at night playing a game. My friend did a face plant into the ground and I said, "Man, I'm glad that wasn't me!" I know this sounds really mean, but what I really meant was that I didn't want road burn in my wedding pictures.
Okay, now something funny that has happened to me! Years ago my brother and I were at Brian Head riding three wheelers. Kevin Gammett was there for the weekend with his family too. So he was on the back of Stephen's bike. Well, after a little bit, Stephen wanted to ride my bike because it was lighter. That meant that Kevin had to ride on the back of me. Let's just say he was afraid to hold on to me. So, Stephen popped a wheelie and took off, and then I did. Two miles later we stop for a chat. Stephen said to me, "Where's Kevin?" I said, "ha-ha!" Then I turned around. He was no where to be found.
We found him where we started, walking down the dirt road with his helmet in tow. He had fallen off when I first popped a wheelie and I didn't realize it because he wouldn't hold on to me.
Ohhh a give-away! I looked on the perfect day. I'm the worst at leaving comments but of your family! Hope all is well. It's track break so lets get together!!!
Oh shoot...I forgot something funny...
"I still have a crazy pink stripe in my blonde hair from Halloween!!! UGH"
Hey Marilyn! What a beautiful quilt. I am in Kansas City, MO. I also will share something funny about my kids...since we do rub off on our kids I guess it is about me too. My daughter made up her own game of Hop Scotch using maxi-pads as her hop scotch squares! Totally on her own while I was taking a shower!
Hey Marylin. Sariah from Vegas. I saw the quilt and had to enter. I haven't been able to think of anything funny about myself even though I have been thinking about it for a couple of days.
Hopefully I'm not to late--It's Alleen from Henderson :) It feels like the other side of the world from you. Something funny huh . . . I have some strange quirks like garbage cans without bags drive me crazy and chewed up gum makes me gag. My kids have never had gum before. Okay so I'm strange and not funny--that's what my hubby says. Anyway, cute quilt, I wish I had talent!!!
Marissa here...Can I just say - WOW! You know I love fall colors (like you). Fabulous quilt! I missed reading your blog! Glad you are back. :)
Something funny...hmmmm. I was such a dork growing up that at the church dances I would do "competition dances" to the songs I knew. If "Black Cat" came on from Janet Jackson, I would do the dance from my dance school. Yes...that was me that everyone was pointing and laughing at.
Wow, you have people in here from all over. Cool. My name is Heather and I live in Las Vegas, and the funny thing is, I moved here from Hawaii. That's funny because WHO DOES THAT? Yeah, we're glad we did though. Blessings. Love ya Marylin! And your soup!
Boy oh boy oh boy...I need this dear cousin (can family enter?!). I have no sewing talents but I do have a talent for enjoying others talents.
A Funny: I was teaching piano lessons the other day to a 8 year old boy. Right in the middle of the song he stunk...I was sitting right by him on the bench...I felt it rumble. I asked him if that was part of his song? He turned red. I giggled and said, "why don't you start over honey." He did...there wasn't a toot this time. Thankfully!
Love ya girl.
I am choosing to enter twice. It is I, Heather (cousin from Virginia)again. It is cold today. A quilt would have been perfect to aide in my low body temperature. I also spilled some speghetti sauce on the front of my sweater apron would have stopped the disaster...and I would have looked cute.
Count me in! I can always use more quilts! I'm Camille, from Idaho, but now of Las Vegas and something funny?? Hmm... I carry floss with me at all times. You never know when you'll need it. ;-)
It's Lindsay from Vegas. Even though I'm like the last to enter, I want to win, so pick me! You want a funny, huh? Does being funny-looking count? By the way, when are you going to teach me to sew?
My name is Tanya Chernow - used to be Tanya Hanson and's weird to tyoe that! Funniest thing about me is that I ran in the mud run ( last weekend which is this 6 mile obstacle course and I had to go under the water (muddy water) and I think I still have like a little bit of dirt in my eyes, because for a long time, it's like I have brown sunglasses on. I keep tripping over things and missing parts of my make-up and stuff.
I live in Texas now and when I tell people I lived in Las Vegas up until college, they often say what was it like when you were a kid?
I say. "well, when I turned three, we learned blackjack because we were just learning to count to about 21. And then when we were four, we learned about poker because of all the pairs and matching. Then at five we really stepped up our game and learned roulette. Birthday parties were great and we really learned how to MAKE it in Vegas at a very early age" After some blank stares I bust in and say "NO! Are you kidding me! We had birthdays just like anyone else! Cake, kids, and pools. Especially the pools." You got to admit though, our school dances rocked!
SO I hope I win too - Love you Kelley Family!
The Texas Chernows
Hi Marylin! It's Joy from fabulous Las Vegas (although Centennial is really the other side of the world from you!) So, I was all choked up today when I received your email. You love really love me!
I don't know of anything funny to write about because, living in a house with all males, most of my funny stories would be highly inappropriate! HEE, HEE, HEE!!! But, I also think that that alone (living in a house with all males) is reason enough for me to win. I never get anything all for myself, not even dinner usually! And, if you recall the many meetings I sat through last year (you know the ones) without you, the ones you avoided SIMPLY because you were off having a baby, it's almost like you owe me something soft and warm. So pick me!!!! (and if I don't get to win, the fake boob story was hilarious, so pick her).
By the way, did you have me look at your blog to lower my self esteem a bit more?!?! I hardly have time to feed my family, let alone blog about them. On top of that you have time to sew?!? Are you part alien or something? The family looks gorgeous! Talk to you later.
Hello. The quilt looks awesome! I hope I get it, or at least an apron.
Something funny... hmm...
nothing comes to mind
I can win anyway right?
oh yeah I live in north platte ne
Nothin like last minute, right? :) You have such a fun blog and your quilt looks are so good to do it. My name is Emily and I am from Las Vegas. Hmmm, somthing funny about me. When I was a kid I once ate shellacked jellybeans off of an Easter jar because I thought they looked yummy. They weren't as yummy as they looked ;)
Hi Marylin, It is me your own mother (the one living in the same house with you) Your quilt is beautiful. Once I told my mother that I thought it was really gross to have a baby (me) when she was 40 years old. Be very careful what you say. I somehow got pregnant at 42. What goes around comes around
Hey there, this is Chuckie, from Vegas. Lets see something funny....I am married to Carla...ha ha ha ha...Ok here is a funny story, when I got home from my mission I was asked to help set up girls camp and while I was setting up a tent the young women's president came up and thought she would be funny and yank down my saggin shorts, well she grabbed more than my shorts so there I was in the middle of girls camp with my shorts around my ankels. I told her that she pulled them down so she could pull them up when she was done lookin at me. We both had to speak the next week in sacrament she was so scared I was going to share that story that after she finished her talk she walked back up to the pulpit and told it so I wouldn't.
Sariah from vegas. Okay so I thought of something quirky I can't go to sleep unless the blanket is tucked all the way up to my chin no matter what the weather. That is the only thing that I could think of. I know I'm boring.
Okay I am a total slacker and just saw this blog. But I do want to tell you I miss our little sunday chats. Every time I go into the mothers lounge I think to my self I don't have my friend to catch up with! Anytime you want to give sewing lessons, I'm up for learning!! I miss ya girl, lets get together before you move. This is Heather D from Las Vegas
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