So this actually happened about two weeks ago but things have been slightly on the busy side and I didn't have the chance to blog about it.
One afternoon as I was packing things into boxes Grace says in the sweetest way possible "Mom, you're shaped like a peach!" I really had no response other than to laugh at first and then I said "Are you calling me fat?" and then she says "Oh no Mom, I not calling you fat, you are just shaped like a peach that's all."
I know that I have not lost all the weight from having James and yes he is 8 months old but a peach, Really?!! Oh Grace!

Interesting. Kids say the funniest things. I don't think you look like peach:)
She's so silly! (love that picture.) I still don't see the resemblence between you and the peach. But whatever.
Awwww out of the mouths of babes comes the really funny stuff :) I actually laughed out loud while reading this, mostly cause I can actually HEAR you saying "A peach? Really?!" MIss you!!! and you most certainly are not shaped like a peach! :)
It could have been worse, at least she din't say you look like watermelon or something- I think you look great! I wonder what my kids will tell me I look like after the baby is born?
Aww, she just means your sweet! Like a peach! Very funny though. Gotta love the things kids say.
Yeah, Zack said I looked like a hippo ballerina once. I don't know what that was supposed to mean, but it couldn't have been good :)
ok... maybe she meant that you are a peach... which is a good thing! But really, i wouldnt say that you are shaped like a peach at all!! maybe she was getting her fruits mixed up and meant a banana!! and as far as the baby weight... I hled on the all the weight plus more from Talan for over a year!!
Oh dear! Gotta love kids and the things they say! You are definitely not shaped like a peach, but more like a hot and sexy hour glass woman! My boss told me last year that I was pear-shaped. Ummm...thanks. And he's an adult.
Peaches must be her favorite fruit! Kids are funny. Just last night at dinner, Kirsten wanted me to get her a fork (we were having Tacos, thus I had no forks on the table), and since I was busy trying to convince Nicole to eat, and Kirsten is perfectly capable of getting her own fork, I told her to jump down and get it herself. "No, YOU get it!", comes the reply. I tell her I am not a slave, and that she can get it herself. "Yes, you are a slave!" Even though she got in trouble from Daddy for saying this, she really wasn't that far off the mark from how I feel sometimes!!! But honestly, she has no clue what a slave is, so I'm not offended. Kids just say things and don't understand exactly what it means. You are definitely not peach-shaped!!! You look great!
You look great! But I have to tell you that Evan makes such honest statements to me all the time. "Oh, mommy, just look how big your belly is getting!" he'll exclaim excitedly. Then he'll say, "Wow, and your back is getting bigger too!" Of course he means backside, which is where my back is at his eye level! Or, "just look at your big leg!" He doesn't mean anything by it, but it still makes me sad!
oh, man from the mouth of never know whats gonna come out of their mouths?? I think you are one hott mamma!
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