I have been meaning to post about my cousin Adam who was critically injured while riding his bicycle. While he remains in a coma there have been many miracles on his behalf, on August 27th Adam suffered a huge setback and things were not looking good. His lungs were giving out and his body weak, the family held a fast and the next day they met with a medical team to discuss what should be done. My Mom and many others flew to California to be with them during this meeting, as they met with the team one of the lead doctors said that they should continue to fight with Adam. A miracle took place and our sweet Adam has made tremendous progress in the weeks since, he is slowly coming out of his coma and has even opened his eyes a bit. We know this to be Heaven sent and that Adam's life has been saved only by the grace of a loving Heavenly Father. He still has a long road ahead but we continue to hope for a full recovery in the months to come.

These are pictures that were taken within the last few days, one is Adam with his Mom (my cousin). The one of him with his eyes slightly opened, we were told that his entire body shook in his attempt to open his eyes. We love you Adam!
1 comment:
Oh that is so hard. My heart goes out to you and your family. It is amazing how one little picture can bring reality to such a horrible situation. My prayers will most definetly continue!
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