Let's discuss something not too important and yet relevant at the same time, Spongebob! I can actually feel myself getting dumber while typing this but alas I must continue . There are many of you that will choose side A and a few brave that will choose B so lets begin.
Side A) The mere thought of your child watching even a moment of Spongebob is too much to bare, you prefer all that is educational and inspirational. The language or lack there of is not desired to take space in the brain of your little ones, you see it as black and white, no ifs ands or butts about it. Spongebob was obviously created by a man or men whom are single and living in their 89 year old mothers house and were tormented as a child thus causing severe brain damage which led to the creation of Spongebob!
Side B) Spongebob is hilarious, silly and brings a smile to your face just thinking about him. You not only allow your child/children to watch but you often find yourself joining in the viewing of all that is yellow and square. The house is filled with silly words and sounds as a result of the jolly little guy and his posse, your children make crabby patties with there play kitchens and then serve then to their customers! Perhaps you have thought the names Patrick & Bob have a nice ring to them and might work for a child or pet. You own a Spongebob t-shirt or pajama pants and wear them when dropping kids off at school in the morning, hey they are comfy, right!
Spoiler Alert!
Side C) Spongebob is just a show, nothing more, nothing less, you don't mind the ocasional viewing by the young ins in the house, but there aren't marathons either. You feel there is nothing wrong with a little "Dumb time" and if it allows you a few minutes to cook dinner or to take a shower before your husband gets home, then so be it. There won't be any long term damage done by a bit of the modern day "Thunder Cats".
So let's hear it, what side are you? Maybe a mixture of two or solid in your stance? Let's conjure up a little debate. No wrong or right just different tastes and personalities!
I'd take it over the Wiggles any day of the week, Backyardigans in a not so distant second. Count your blessings
I cant stand Spongebob!!!! But I do let my kids watch it- mainly because of my husband- so if their brains turn to puffy clouds it's his fault!
Ok... Trace can repeat every spongebob episose!! I sometimes find myself singing along with the theme song.. It usually get stuck in my head.. and I hate that... but non the less... If Trace is not bored and not in my hair about being bored... then he can watch all the spongebob he wants!! I have also found that when I make sloppy joes... if I call them crabby patties then Trace will eat them! Oh, and I will take spongebob over Wiggles or tellitubbies anyday!!
oh and I almost forgot... Last night was a blast! I kinda wish I could have gone around to all the cows with you guys... but you know me... being as holy as I am... I had to enlighten everyone else! Ha! We do need to do a girls night in or out! Perferably in... because I have no money!!
Honestly I can't stand spongebob. Not because of it being crude or anything.... I just don't like his voice. We didn't have cable when Ethan was younger, so he didn't know who he is. Now Ethan would just rather watch scooby-doo or the smurfs. Which is just fine with me;)
The first few times I saw it, I was SO bugged that I swore no child of mine would ever watch it. But then the next time it was on, I caught Kalia paying attention to it (at least for a few minutes.) So I am learning to tune it out, because after all, anything that holds their attention is worth tuning out. :) Funny post. And what are YOU?
ok I would have to say that Im a little of a/b I think its funny and so does my hubby but.. I dont think its appropriate for Laynie. I dont think it uses the best language and there is no educational value!!
I'm a bit of A and C. I really don't like it and I do my best to keep my kids from watching it, but if it gives me a few minutes of peace I'll take it.
Yeah, this family is a B! I often walk in and find Jess watching Spongebob when the kids are not even home. I say, "You know the kids aren't here, right?" His response is always, "Yeah, but it's Spongebob." Then Maddox walks around saying, "aw barnacles" every time he doesn't get what he wants. Who cares, they have enough learning time. Spongebob is just funny! :-)
I am a definate B! I remember the first time ever seeing Spongebob in the basement of my Aunt Char's and thinking what the heck (my 18 yr. old cousin watching) but, i have to admit i laughed a lot and have watched it on occasion since then!
I am so anti spongebob! I can't stand that show and find that my kids act nasty (more than usual) after watching it. They know they are not allowed to watch it. TV doesn't always have to be educational for them, but I'd prefer something that wasn't crude. I know I'm a total prude! hehe
I can't stand it myself but my boys (husband included) like it, so I just find something else to do when it is on. For me I haven't found my kids act any different after watching it but if they do it is OUT!
I won't lie... I hate TV. I have to much ADD to sit for too long and watch shows I like, let alone sponge bob. But I wanted to say hi and thanks for taking such good care of my sister! I'm jealous you guys get to play so much! :) Oh, also.. how's Jack? I Haven't talked to him in years!
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