Friday- I went to TOFW (Time Out For Women) with my sweet friend Heather and her family. My Mom and 2nd Mother Pam were also there and I was able to sit through one of the classes. We heard from some great people Sheri Dew, Tom Smith, Virgina H. Pierce and a few others. That evening was a concert with Hilary Weeks. I didn't stay the entire concert because being an old person I was tired.

After the rough beginning the rest of the day was actually wonderful, after finishing breakfast with the the newly sealed family I went home to my family and we spent the afternoon working on the condo. There were little repairs that needed to be done and then we all went to Subway as a family, I love little things like that, just being with each other. That night we picked Jimmy's sister Sara up from the hotel she was staying at and she came over to hang out. We rented movies and just chatted for several hours. It was fun to see her and she was sooo sweet with the kids, Grace was so excited to have her Aunt play with her.
Sunday- We got up and ready and headed to Baby Sarah's blessing, it was wonderful to be there. After church we went to Marissa and Johns for lunch, which was awesome!! The kids all played and the adults talked and watched the football game GO BRONCOS!!!
We left their house and headed to my parents house to see my sister Janna and nephew Ethan before they headed back to Arizona. I love my sisters, we are all spread out but it feels great when we can be together.
*Fix-it List*
One leaky pipe-CHECK
One broken Towel Rack- CHECK
Paint over Red Marker- CHECK
Paint Girls Closet Doors- CHECK
Fix Broken Drawer Front- CHECK
GO HUSBAND!!! Love You!
Late Flashback Friday!!
This is a picture of Janna, Alyssa & Me
I had just had the Chicken Pox when this was taken, you can still see the little marks on my face. I love old pictures!

I met Hilary Weeks a few months ago and totally thought of you. She is one of my favorite artists and I still remember sitting at the piano at your house singing you remember that? Forever ago I know.
Wow, busy weekend! Mine felt much of the same. I completely agree, I love the little family time moments. Jess' cousins were in town and stayed with us. We stayed up two nights in a row just talking and playing games.
That is to bad you missed the sealing, but at least you got to see Sarah in that gorgeous dress. It is not fun to finally get around to fixing things right before you move!
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