It's true I am slightly addicted to
HGTV! If I am watching the tv then most likely that is the channel I am tuned in to!! The problem when I watch it so much is that I get ideas for all the things I want to do/change/fix/create in my own house. I wanted a little change in the master bedroom, but
I didn't have a big budget so I created new throw pillows from a shower curtain and a little bit of scrap fabric. I painted a white dresser, moved a few things around, took some stuff down and added a few small inexpensive details (as in 75 % of clearance at places like Michael's, Ross and Target) So here are pictures of some of the changes.

AFTER (not quite done)




The Next photos are of pillows/curtains/pictures that have been added to these rooms
I made the above pillow and added some new pictures on the wall
I painted the little table and made the pillow

This pillow and two others were added to the couch

The curtains were some pre-made ones that I had and I just added fabric along the bottom in order to unify them and make them long enough for the window!!
These are picture walls that I put up (the above wall are pictures of all the military family members I have and old maps from WWII)
what can I say......... You inspire me!!!! LOVE all of it. The room is coming along GREAT!
Wow, I LOVE it all! Looks like it belongs in a magazine. Nice job to you! And on a small budget too- amazing!
You're hired!!! My place next! LOL! You did an amazing job! You should have your own HGTV show. ;)
If I fly you out here will you please help!!!!!! You are INSANELY talented!!!!!!!! :)
So impressed! Especially at your creativity with using a shower curtain for material for pillows. Great work. It all looks great!
I love the yellow accent in your bedroom! I also love the curtains you spruce up! Seriously, I wish I had one creative bone in my body. You should hold a seminar next time you come to Vegas!
(kasey's comment) Super cute! I wish I was creative in decorating. Dave is, but not me. Not at all. I love the changes you made to your bedroom - does Jimmy appreciate no longer sleeing in a princess bed?
Kasey- Jimmy was very happy when I took the "Mosquito Net" down (that is what I tried to tell him it was )! I must admit that it makes the room feel more open and larger!!
The rest of you are the best friends a girl could ask for, thanks for the thumbs up cause I am always nervous to show my house because my stuff is usually hand made or from thrift stores!! :) Love you all
Love it all! It looks beautiful and I am so jealous. Everyone of my house projects are undone! Wanna come over?!!
Homemade & thrift store stuff is the very best kind of stuff!!
again-Love it all!!
You really have an amazing AMAZING talent!! I can never see these things. I love the way you have simply pulled everything together. You should start doing your own step by step training blogs on things you are doing. My friend, a woman, is very handy person. She is flipping houses. She writes a blog to teach other woman how to "fix it" themselves.
As always, you have great style. Can you share some of that with me, I am slightly style deficient.
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