26 When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the adisciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, bWoman, behold thy son!
27 Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy amother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home.
Today is Mother's Day, I am the very blessed Mother of 3 wonderful children. I know that my most important responsibility in this life is to cherish and love these little ones that have been trusted in my care.
I am so grateful for my own Mother, for her example and love. I know of Christs love for me because he sent me to such an amazing Mother, He showed me His love through her and I pray that I might teach my children in the same way. Love you Mom!!!

In the time I have spent being a Mom, I have found my greatest joys and also my greatest weaknesses and sorrows. I must admit that I reject my physical body on a daily basis as I scrutinize it in the mirror, but when my "natural" tendencies subside and I am able to see through my spiritual glasses, I recognize each stretch mark as space for my babies to grow, and widened hips to bring them here. I am blessed to be healthy enough to carry them for 40 weeks (or 43 as Grace found out), my body is always strong while pregnant and I need to appreciate it more.
My Heavenly Father sent me the children that are perfect for me, I have learned so many lessons from each one of them;
Lexi has taught me loyalty and strength, loyalty because she stands by me no matter how bad I might mess up as a parent, and strength because I realized how strong I was in being a single parent in her early years. Of course there are many other things that she has contributed to my education but those two stand out.
Grace gives me the lesson in patience and unconditional love every single day. No matter the nervous break down, I feel peace and calm much of the time I am working with her. I know that it comes from my Heavenly Father, for patience does not come easy for me. Grace has so many struggles and for whatever the reason, the Lord has provided me with the love and ability to walk with her through them. I am so blessed.
James has given me the gift of learning to be more relaxed and affectionate. I have always loved to hug and kiss on them, but Buddy will come running up to me after just moments of separation (as in me going into the other room) and wrap his arms around my leg. He loves me to just sit and hold him and watch Go Diego Go, and somehow in my old age I am able to relax and just enjoy these sweet times. I feel more capable as a parent now, than I ever have, and I look forward to every day that I am able to stay home with my children.

Happy Mother's Day to all of the Women who have spent anytime nurturing, loving, holding, cuddling, teaching or serving a child. You don't have to have children of your own to be a Mother and I am so grateful for all the family and friends who have "Mothered" my children along the way.
Happy Sunday
All my Love,
All my Love,
Thank you Melywin!!! You made me cry!! I love you and your family and your super wonderful mother (and Dad!) That was so beautiful and so are you!!! Thanks for sharing!!! Happy Mother's Day!!! X0X0
You Hollers are just such beautiful people! :) And that picture of your mom is so great--I had to send my mom the link so she could see for herself--she loved it.
I love this post! And, seriously, I think I need to go work on my splits now.
I'm seriously in awe that your Mom can do the splits - seriously. And by the way, you rock as a mom, and I'm so glad to know you!
I SOOO love that video...it totally puts things into perspective. SUCH a good post about your little darlings and your silly Mommy (love her!).
You know that last paragraph is near and dear to my heart...thank you for saying that. There are many "mothers" who don't have the chance to be biological mothers.
Hope you had a Happy Mother's Day!
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