Last week I was feeling a bit down, ya know "I'm so fat! I'm so dumb! I have gray hairs! I'm so ugly!, all the things you tell your self when you feel less than peppy! Well after a late night talk with my wonderful husband, who spent the entire conversation reassuring me that he loved me and that he would never leave me for some hot little number named Shirley with perky boobs and a flat stomach. Before I went to bed I thought I would stand before the mirror and make myself find at least one thing that didn't suck about me, it took me a couple of times going in and out of the bathroom to remember why I was staring at my self, and then I thought "I like my skin."
Well the universe has a funny sense of humor because the next morning I woke up with a GIANT RED ZIT in the dead center of my forehead!!!!! I surrender, you win!!!! lol (p.s. I am feeling better this week, I am not any thinner but I have found that if I just wear yoga pants all the time I don't notice as much tee hee hee)
I feel this way a lot. It's SATAN that wants you to feel like crap. Send him packin'! Kick him to the curb! Look in that mirror and prove Ole Scratch wrong! You're beautiful.
Girl.....I have days like that more often than I care to admit(usually at certain special times of the month). Thanks for reassuring me that I'm not alone. By the way - I like your skin too:-)
Yes, you do have beautiful skin and about 100 other beautiful things. Your smile, your cute freckles, your thick long hair......and those are only some of the physical.
I think we all have a hard time seeing the beautiful things about ourselves. Tom is always telling me that he's baffled that I view myself how I do.
And "Shirley"?! Ha ha! Love the name choice.
girl, i think we all go through this. i know after i have this baby, i will be there too. for now, it's ok for me to be fat. lol.
ps, aside from being a beautiful girl, you really do have great skin!
whatever, you are drop dead gorgeous!!!! Stop fooling yourself. Now, when you are down again, cause it will happen, just think of me cause i got lots more flaws that you!!!
You have always had fabulous skin! I will take your zit and beautiful skin any day over mine. ;)
You seriously crack me up! I could go on all day about all the great things about you! Hope you guys come home soon!
Hello Marylin! Girl, I think we all have days like that! I wrote a blog about "self image" just Friday.
I'm now following you by the way. Noticed you had stopped by my blog http://logicandimagination.blogspot.com/ and hope you will stop by again sometime.
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