Well many of you may already know that last June two of our very close friends were killed in a car accident. They were sisters Kaytee 23 and Kenzee 8, we have missed them a whole bunch and it has been very difficult. Well in the way that only Kaytee could she reached down from heaven recently and let me know that she loves and misses us too. The day that James was born Kaytee and Kenzee's Mom came to see us in the hospital. She is a dear friend of mine and she said that she had some gifts for the baby. She brought in two bags, the first had some very cute clothes and the second was this amazing hand made blanket with frogs on it, she then told me that when they were cleaning out Kaytee's house after she passed away they found this baby blanket with a note on it that had my name on it. At the time that Kaytee died we hadn't yet told anyone that we were expecting, she knew that we had been trying but no one other than my parents knew and we for sure had not found out it was a boy yet. Kaytee had started the blanket but had not had the time to finish it so Carolee (her mom) finished it for her. This blanket means so much to me, to think that she left something for me to always remember her by is priceless! So to my sweet Kaytee I thank you and love you!! The other day when I got the pictures done I had them include the blanket in one of the shots.

That is such a sweet story! No doubt, she loved you very much!
Wow that is amazing. That is a very special blanket, isn't it?
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