Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sunday Scripture, Easter Message

On this Easter Sunday and in the recent weeks, I can not deny the Lord Jesus Christ nor His hand in my life. The sacrifice, His sacrifice, was for me, He knows and loves me and without Him I lack the ability to reach my fullest potential. I have a deep and sacred relationship with my Father in Heaven and His son Jesus Christ, I hold it most dear to me. I am grateful for His timing and the way my family has been blessed, I know that through trials I have been strengthened and refined so that I will be a better person. I know that He lives and that we have a Prophet living on the Earth today who is inspired from on high to guide and direct us. I found this amazing message from one of my favorite people and living disciple, Jeffrey R. Holland and felt I should share. All my love and remember to give thanks, especially on this day, this Easter Sunday.

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