I have often said that Grace is my funny child and she continues to make me laugh everyday! I know that all little kids say funny things but Grace has this timing with the things she says that just tells me she has that "funny bone". Last night we went to a baptism (more on that later) and after the actual baptism Grace came and sat on my lap and whispered into my ear
Grace- "Mom, why did he throw her in the water?"
Me- " That's how you get baptized."
Grace- "Well that's kinda, funny."
I just chuckled a bit cause to a little kid it probably looks like she was being thrown in the water!!
Then this morning I was helping her get dressed and she says
Grace-"Why did the chicken cross the road?"
Me- "Why?"
Grace- "Cause he wanted to get hurt."
I seriously almost wet myself because I was not expecting that answer!
There are lots of things that she does to make me laugh and then somethings she does aren't really to make people laugh but they do anyway. Like since she discovered that her backpack is great for holding lots of stuff she gathers as many things as she can and takes them along to school with her. The sight of her walking down the stairs with this very heavy backpack is almost too much, she refuses to leave anything home cause it's her "collection". She collects things like rocks, plastic bottle caps, picture frames, candles, beads, small toys, empty water bottles, leaves, and she can remember each and every thing that is in her "collection" so don't dare take any of them.
Alexis- She continues to thrive in school, she has maintained her straight A's which makes me proud because I really don't have to push her at all, Lexi just loves to learn. She still struggles with the "Mean" girls but she keeps trying to make other friends and yesterday she came home all excited "Mom, I made a new friend and she likes Hannah Montana too!", as of late there is the revolt with most girls she knows against Miss Hannah, they think she is "not cool". Lexi has such a big heart and she tries so hard to do what is right and be kind, she is silly and can barely hold still when she is nervous or excited about something. Lexi turned in a project this last week that she had been working on for a MONTH, and for a 4th grader that is like a year!! The subject was Shirley Chisholm, the final part of the project was a display board and I helped a little (wink wink) with that, she did the rest though and she got an 'A' so it was worth all the time spent!!
James- He is walking everywhere and getting busier by the day! His smile just melts my heart and I basically give into anything he wants when he gives that toothy, ear to ear grin!! I love that boy! James is finally big enough for a different car seat and he faces forward, which he loves! It makes it easier for him to dance to the music, he loves to bop his head and shake is rump when any music is playing. The other day we were loading the car from the grocery store and a car with "ethnic" non-English music was playing and I look over to see James getting his groove on!! He loves cars and will make the sound of a car when we are driving, it is soo cute to hear this little "broom broom" from the back seat! I love boys!! He is very friendly but sometimes he is very serious!
Jimmy- Is being the most amazing husband, he attends the Temple weekly and sometimes more than once a week!! He is making me look bad!! :) He started running about 6 months ago and is losing some weight which is very exciting for him. He has been helping with the kids a ton, the laundry, cleaning, giving the kids baths, yard work. I know it seems as though I am bragging but I don't ever want to be unappreciative of all that he does and has been doing while out of work. Jimmy builds me up with the things he says and he encourages me in my endeavours. I feel blessed to have a husband who tries so hard to do all he can for his family!!
Marylin- Well I have been super busy lately with PTA but now that the basket auction is out of the way it has slowed for a minute. I am doing well with Weight Watchers and that makes me happy! I love getting into clothing that I haven't worn since before being pregnant! Sewing is still one of my favorite past times. I recently made Lexi's Principal pajama pants for "pajama day", a really cute skirt for Grace, a quilt for my sister Alyssa's birthday, a few more aprons and I have some other projects in the works!! I have dabbled a little with my camera but not nearly enough. I have also been doing what I can in the way of serving at church, Jimmy and I both spoke in sacrament a few weeks back and then I have spoken at a baptism and also sang for the Relief Society Birthday in our ward.
***There is also some other news that we are holding off on telling just yet because not all the ducks are in a row but we should be announcing it soon. Oh and no I am not pregnant but there could be a big change ahead!
nice quilt. I never saw it finished. Please tell me you are not going to jail for burning a certain place down! or maybe you are in for a huge settlement for the way they treated you and you are willing to share your millions, and your looking for a business partner because you are now the proud owner of a fabulous fabric store! AWWWW, I totally accept!
You tell Lexi that Riley still loves Hannah Montana too!
I'm glad to see you all are doing well, it was SO good to see you. It's fun to read about your kids after actually meeting them in person. I didn't know you were doing WW, good for you. I did the program after Ava and it worked really well. I need to do something now but I've just been to lazy, need to work on my motivation. Good luck to you.
So it was crazy...I'm sure you heard (maybe?) that after I texted you to tell you we were going to the park, we pull in, I see your van, then see Jimmy and the kids! Funny. I'm not sure if he remembered me. But Grace was cute, I had to tell you, as I walked in and said hi to her, she said hi back and then ran past me to this little Hispanic girl about her age, and says, "Hi! Do you want to play with me?" The little girl says "Yes!" So Grace goes, "Okay! What's your name? My name's Grace.) It was just so cute. She's so friendly. Anyway, can't wait to hear the big announcement!!
ok that is just mean! Is this why we are looking forward to friday? I am on pins and needles. And I am making my first ever aprons for the trek, not perfect but fun.
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