K so I am interested in your thoughts on the subject of private vs. not private. I had totally made up my mind about going private and was all set to do it but then the last day or so I have been thinking about the pros and cons of closing the blog, these are the main ones that make me wonder if I should.
- Going Private makes is not as fun to do Give Aways
- People won't be able to tell when I have updated
- It makes it harder for friends to find my blog
- Crazy Blog stalkers won't be able to stalk me
- I can be more free in the pictures and posts I put up
- I can choose who gets to view my blog
not sure if this will help too much, but if kevin didn't insist on mine being private cuz of his job, i would rather have mine open...it is not as fun for the giveaways and such...hope that helps some...
also, it is nice to be able to post any pics of the kiddos and whatnot when it is private so you know that only the people you have allowed to view it will be the ones seeing it...
it is a hard decision...hope my two "cents" helps =)
I say keep it public. Don't give into morons that have problems with your opinion!!
I don't know...I'm having an issue right now too that makes me want to go private, but most of our family members barely bother to read it anyway, then they'll never see pics and stories about the grandkids or nieces and nephews. I'm choosing to ignore the jerks and keep blogging the way I want to. But if safety were a concern...private it would be!
Elder Ballard asked us to communicate about the Church. He specifically mentioned blogging as a way to communicate online. I think if you're blog is private it would be hard to share your testimony with strangers (blog stockers.) And, I notice, you take the time to do some great testimony sharing blogs. I say keep it public - you never know who will read something, someday, and REALLY need it.
I struggle with this too. I'm still public because it's more fun that way but sometimes I wish I were private.
I say keep it open. You obviously had it open because you prefer it that way, and I think the recent drama is a thing of the past. :)
For my own selfish reasons...I like it public. I want to know RIGHT when you update...sometimes I forget I have to manually check my friends' private blogs, instead of just checking my "feeds" for updates. Hopefully fixing your comment moderation has helped. (?)
this is holly (beverly's friend)
i say keep it public. i've struggled with this too and its funny people read my blog that i had NO IDEA do! (like my inlaws, friends at church, etc)
but i would do whatever you feel most comfortable with, for sure.
Ever since I went private with our family blog, I felt huge relief and it freed me up to talk about my children more. I felt paranoid about it before. The downside is that you are not able to make as many connections with people who may connect with you if it were open.
I just recently added an updates blog for my private blog so that others can know when I post by checking their blog list and not have to randomly check in. I like it a lot. Everytime I add a post to my private blog I update it and then all they have to do is sign in to see it. That probably doesn't make sense, but since you can log in to my private blog, check it out : yatesfamilyupdates.blogspot.com
Either way, keep up the great blogging! I enjoy reading your posts :)
Here's my 2 cents....I don't like private blogs, mostly because I am lazy and hate to log in just to read them. But, you can always set up another blog (mostly for your more personal thoughts) and set it to private. Then you can choose whether or not to allow others to view it.
It's a hard decision. Just remember, if you do decide to go private, you can create a separate public blog that just tells people when you've updated, and people can put that into their google reader.
Public...The end!
I'm on the fence with you on this one. If blog stalkers would keep their opinions to their selves it wouldn't be a big deal but they don't! And I love blog stalking! I say you have to do what feels best to you. Sorry I'm sure I was no help. I'm still anxiously waiting for your BIG news. :)
I got the apron! I love it!! Thank you so much! I would go public.
I understand both, BUT I want you to keep it open so that I will know when you update. It's very hard to remember to check my friend's blogs that are private. Also, it is a lot easier to blog when you know someone is reading it. :-)
I go back and forth about this too, but if you do go private I was also going to suggest the public blog that tells when you have updates. You could also leave your email on that blog for people to get back in touch with you and be invited to your private blog.
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