Hello there, so I have this amazingly talented friend who makes BEAUTIFUL quilts and she is giving one away all you have to do is visit her blog leave a comment with your name and where you are from and your favorite place to buy fabric and you are entered to win this AWESOME quilt! Oh and make sure you say that Marylin sent you!! :) Go head do it, what do you have to lose!! :) Here is the link!
http://web.mac.com/cjroskelleyOr you can just click on her name in my list of "Friends that blog"
Camille RoskelleyThis is the quilt!!
This quilt is AMAZING!!! Your friend is sooo talented! What a great idea to share her talent by giving away a quilt! Fun.
P.S. I was wacthing TV the other day and HBO is having a mini series on John Adams, your relative!!! How cool that you just posted about him being related to you and then I see the preview for the mini series! Awesome!! Anyway I thought that you would like to know!
Cool. Thanks for the tip. I'm going to head over to her blog right now.
I just entered my name thanks for the heads up the quilt is beautiful.
Thanks for the shout out! There have been several people who said you sent them over. I hope you win! And as for the update... lets just say, so far, 3 quilts in 3 days. Not to bad, huh?
Very talented chick!!!
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