Today is Grace's Birthday she is 4!! She is such a bonus to our home! She is funny and creative! Her imagination is great and her toothless smile makes my heart melt! I love when she helps me drive i.e yelling at the cars and telling me when to stop and go. She can be very thoughtful and she loves her sissy i.e. Alexis and her baby brother "GRAMES" (that is what she calls him). I can't believe how fast the years have gone! I remember the day I had her as if it were yesterday, I knew she would be wild but how could I have known she would be this wild! She keeps us on our toes and I never get bored with her home! We love you Grace, thanks for picking us to be your family!!
Oh and Happy Birthday to my friend Emylee! Love you Girl!
Happy Birthday to your sweet (but wild) little Grace! And to your super pretty friend Emylee.
Happy Birthday Grace!!! I enjoyed watching your slide show of your little Grace's life to this point. She is a cutie!!!
Happy birthday, Grace! I love her little personality! The slideshow was precious. It was funny to see how bald she was because I remember how much hair Lexi had. They are both beautiful girls!
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