Not only did it fill the dishwasher and the sink with soap but it was pouring out of the front of the machine and onto the floor, like in a movie or something. I didn't get a picture though cause I was focused on finding towels.
My favorite part is when I asked her if she did it and she says "Sissy did it." So being the wise parent I followed up with "So what soap did you use?" and she points to this
I just shook my head and started to laugh as I read on the bottle "Gentle Foaming", yeah ok! :) She was pretty remorseful too!
That's hilarious! "Gentle foaming"!?! I love the after picture of her.
I did this once too! Only I was seven or eight and I added dish soap. I was certain that adding a little something extra would help the dishes get extra clean! The lather was awesome!
Hey you!! I LOVE those bubbles. ok, with a face like hers, how could you do anything but laugh!!! I'm seriously bringing treats to the mothers lounge next week!
Little Miss Mischief at it again...seriously, you will have some fun stories to tell her boyfriends. I love it! She's so fun and has so much personality!
WOW! Who would have known a LITTLE BIT of soap could make SO MANY bubbles? At least it was a CLEAN mess! Love her mischievous smile.
Its cute when a 4 year old deos it! My sister Jami put about a 1/4 cup of dish soap in our dishwasher when she was 18. There was so many suds it covered our kitchen floor!
Marilyn, have you heard about Mrs. B's retirement party - I wondered if you have some contacts I didn't to get the word out there. Anyway, send me an email at so I can tell you who I am looking for. Thanks, Sarah
You've got to love what little hands can do!
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