Two years ago I decided to be brave and I flew to Florida alone with my then 7 year old and almost 2 year old. We went for my niece Amy's 7th birthday, my sister Alyssa and her family were living in Panama City Beach, FL at the time so they drove to Orlando to meet us! We stayed at one of the Disney Hotels and visited several parks! It was my first time to Florida and it was Grace's first time in a Disney Park so it was quite an event. Now we were not the only ones that made the trip out there, Alyssa's in-laws also made the trip. We consider Alyssa's in-laws to be our family too because we have known them for soo long. Anyway I can't believe it has been two years, my how time flies! It was a wonderful trip and a great memory!! Thanks Amy for giving us all such a great reason to get together!
What wonderful memories. We went to Disneyland at the beginnig of the year and my Bradley still talks about it like it was yesturday.
EEk to the plane ride. How did they do?
What a fun memory!!!
I used to take my kids to California every spring break when my Dad lived there. I loved those times I spent, just me and the kids!
We had the best time!!!
I totally should have gone...I missed out!!
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