I decided to highlight my favorite 17 year old! She is an amazing person whom I have been blessed to call my sister! I love her more than she may even know, I remember when my parents sat us down one evening for a family meeting. They told us they had a surprise for us, we (me and my other siblings) began guessing things like "A new boat, a new car, a new house," when nothing we guessed was correct my parents finally told us that my mom was pregnant! I remember my first thought being "Ewwww, gross my parents are still doing that!" Then as my mom's belly grew and we found out it would be a girl I was very excited! I will never forget spending the night at a friends house waiting for the phone call that my new sister was born. I also recall talking to my mom about what her name would be, and as we looked through my 6th grade band concert program we came across the name Emily and it just seemed perfect! I loved her from the moment I saw her and I would take tons of pictures of her as a little kid. I am 12 years older than her and at one point in our lives we didn't see eye to eye but over the last few years we have grown closer and I am grateful for that! We often laugh about the fact that many times I will be out at places like Target, Coldstone and church and I will have teen girls stop and ask me if I have a younger sister named Emily, I enjoy it but I think it drives Em crazy cause I am "OLD". She is beautiful inside and out and she has so many talents. Thanks Em for being you and for being my little sister!

These are just some of the many pics I have taken of Emily over the years!
I agree Marylin!! Thanks reminding me of that funny night we found out there would be 5 holler kids!!!
This is such a great idea! I often take forgranted the blessing it is to have older and younger siblings. Its nice to now that where ever life takes you family is always there to lean on, laugh with, and talk to.
I just love your blog!
My little sister is also 12 years younger than me, and our story is much the same. I have LOVED having Jill in my life. What a great idea to highlight that.
Just checking in! It was so great to chat with you tonight- we are definitely going to have to hang out soon! Its almost scary how much we have in common. Also, your girls are beautiful- you have such a cute family!
Holy cow!! I'm so glad you found me!! You look just the same to me!! That is good. :) Your kids are so beautiful...and boys are so fun!! Congrats! Love the pics! Tell your parents hello from me. I sure love them!
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