Being as that photography is a love of mine I feel pressure to have all my pictures edited to perfection before they make it to my blog/facebook. But hey for a minute lets pretend I am not a photographer and I will show you some pictures in the "buck", their "birthday suits", all kinds of naked, just so that I can get them on here before next summer!! and go ahead judge me all you want :)
Lehi, UT part Uno! (bet you didn't know I was bilingual)
We spent the first few days of our trip staying with my friend Janelle! She and I met in a not so ordinary manner, I will tell that story later on. Her aunt and uncle have a pool so we went up and spent an afternoon letting the kids cool off in the water! It was ESPECIALLY HOT the week we were in Utah, it could have been due to my presence, but I'm not bragging or anything.

Janelle became very ill while we were there, so one afternoon I took 2 of her 5 kids and went to downtown SLC to the Children's Discovery Museum at Gateway! It was great because my membership to the Museum in Denver was good for the museum in Salt Lake so we got in for no cost! Before the museum we enjoyed pizza and ice cream, and I envisioned my life with 5 kids ages 11, 8, 6, 5 & 2, not too shabby!! We also met my good friend Kim at the museum with her 3 boys, it was great to see her and get to chat for a few minutes! (I didn't get any pictures with Kim though :( )

This here BEAUTIFUL woman is Janelle, she and I initially came into contact when I happened upon her blog while looking for a picture of my cousin Hilary Weeks (the LDS singer). She had done a post about her, and I swooped the picture from her blog leaving a little note saying hello, I believe she responded back with a little note and that was that. Then 6 months later I was at BYU Women's Conference in Provo, UT and as I came out of the Marriott Center I noticed a cute group of women taking pictures, I just made a mental note like "Oh they are cute." A few weeks after getting home I was searching through blogs and I decided to check Janelle's again when what would appear but this picture of women at the BYU Women's Conf. it was the same ones I had seen, so I couldn't help but leave a comment. From that point on we began keeping up with each other through our blogs and facebook. We have since discovered other connections and when I decided to make a trip to Utah she said we could stay with them! I was thrilled to get to meet her in person after a year and a half of communicating online! Some might think it odd but I just KNOW we were meant to be friends, she knows it too ever since I told her!! :)
My visit to Lehi also brought a dream of mine come true!! I had tried the MOST AMAZING FRUIT TARTS from a place called Kneaders over a year ago and had been CRAVING them ever since so my first day there Janelle and I made a trip to get some, they did not disappoint!!
This is me in Heaven after my first bite into the tart of all tarts!!
(I did share however, I didn't want to keep heaven all to myself, ok I did, but I decided to be good)
(I did share however, I didn't want to keep heaven all to myself, ok I did, but I decided to be good)
Yay pictures!! So fun!! I'm so glad you guys were able to come for a visit! Sorry I got sick! Thanks for helping with the kids and bringing me chocolate and tarts! You da best! :o)
okay, i am not joking those are my favorite EVER!!! And I have a similar picture of me stuffing my face with one as well. That's too funny. Anyways thank you for the comment. You are so sweet, and I am really sad to leave :( so we would love visitors! We'll just have to party it up this next month :)
Oh, so too funny. I was just now reading through this post, and saw the link (thank you!) and then I saw you say that you had a picture of "Janelle" and I was like, cool...she added a picture of me. then quickly realized that it was your friend Janelle, not me. But how ironic that you guest posted for me, Queen of the house of boys...and my name is Janelle too. ;o) Spelled the correct way even! I sooo appreciated you doing the guest post! I love the post and love your energy!
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