D&C 132:8
"Behold, mine house is a house of order, saith the Lord God, and not a house of confusion."
D&C 88:119
"Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God;"
Today in Young Womens the lesson was on our homes and the attention that should be paid to them. It was not about having a "perfectly clean" home but making sure that it is one of order and peace, that it will be a sanctuary for our families. It really made me think about the few corners in my home that I have allowed to be the collectors of all things that I don't know what to do with. I would say overall my house is pretty organized and clean most of the time but I do have papers/pictures that have been filed away and need to be sorted through. I also tend to let my office/guestroom/sewing room go all to kook-kamunga (just go there with me) when I am working on the rest of my house and it drives me nuts. I definitely have a hard time functioning amongst clutter and messes, I know that I am more grumpy and irritable when my home is un-kept.
My goal over the next couple weeks is to rid my home of the areas that I close the door to when guests come and to get it all in the shape that I would be proud to show. I know that my home will be a more calm place when I am more calm knowing that there aren't any little areas in desperate need of my attention. I will have more time to spend with my kids, my husband and more time serving those around me. I know that the Spirit cannot reside in a place of chaos and unorganized slothfullness (I am making it a word OK).
I am grateful to a mother who taught me to keep a clean home, to find joy in organization, and pride in feeling accomplished as a homemaker.
I hope to teach the same to my children, not just my daughters but also my son who will someday be a very helpful husband, if all my plans go accordingly :). I don't think I realized how useful learning to iron/dust/vacuum/throw away/launder etc. etc. etc. would really be until I became a wife and mother!
So if I disappear for a little bit it's because I am in the depths of my closets/drawers/hidden passage ways getting them all neat and tidy! Hey just to keep my honest I will take pics of before and after!! :)
Love to you all and Happy Sunday!
1 comment:
You would be surprised how many times I've taught a lesson and it's been undeniably meant for me! I thought it was a great lesson too and it has motivated me...I just don't think I am brave enough to share the before pictures with anyone....maybe..we'll see!
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