First off I am thoroughly enjoying the "back to school schedule", we are up and going early every morning and the day just feels more, and is more productive! Lexi has to be to the bus by 6:40am and then Grace is there at 7:40am so by 8am it is just buddy and I!
Lexi went back to school on Thurs. Aug 12, she started Middle School and was BEYOND
excited!! For the first time she has a locker and she was even able to "open it on her first
try!", when she got home that afternoon at 3:10pm (they have longer school days here than in
Vegas), she told me she felt like "she had always belonged there" (only slightly dramatic). Lexi
has always been a bit advanced maturity wise, so I think getting out of Elementary school is
exactly what she needed!
She is playing the flute in band, which makes me happy since I also played the flute, (which I
would still have if I hadn't traded it in for a guitar in college, but don't worry I don't have the
guitar anymore either since my mom decided to give it to my BIL, whatev, I'm not bitter or
anything. I kid I kid). Back to Lexi, it was fun to show her how to hold the flute and help her
figure out some notes, she felt really good the next day when she was "the only one that
knew how to hold it!" I love that as a 6th graders she still gets excited and impressed with
just the simplest of achievements, she must be like her mother! Yup, that's us, just simple girls!

Grace had an assessment day on Aug.12th, but she didn't officially start until Monday
Aug.16th. Grace is in the 1st Grade and after the second day she told me she "wanted to go
back to Kindergarten, because it is more fun." It has been a huge adjustment for her,
going from half days to full days, she is exhausted after school! I have been surprised by how
much she loves sitting at the table with Lexi after school doing homework, I think it makes her
feel like a "big kid", but hey no complaints on my part!
So far it is going well for her, she likes her teacher and she is making some new friends. I love my
sweet Grace, school doesn't come so easy for her, as we were walking to the bus stop on the first
day she looked up at me and said "You know what I dream about mom?, I dream
about being the SMARTEST girl in the world!" with tears coming to my eyes I said,
"Well if you keep working hard you CAN be the smartest girl in the world." which
she responded with "Or I could just wish on a star." touche Grace, touche. I pray that
things will start to get a bit easier or that she will at least be given the strength to overcome her

Ohhh, such a cute post! I say no to catching up. It just gets too draining. Start fresh I say. :) And I just love the picture of Lexi's sparkly shoes.
I LOVE it! So glad that Lexi is loving middle school - the girl has found her purpose;-)
As for Grace - that is so sweet! She'll do great. Kinder to 1st is a rough transition. I remember some of my students falling asleep during rug time after lunch....whew!
You're a great mom that your kids can be so honest with you....job well done mama!
Lexi is going to do great!
Oh my gosh, I can't believe how mature and grown up Lexi looks in that darling outfit. And I love in the 1st picture of Grace, James is holding her arm. Too cute.
Hey there Marylin. I was looking thru some of your past blog posts and theyre great! I loved the one about your son who is into "Pider man." I thought that was so cool. Im actually a full time missionary of the church but my calling is a bit different than other missionaries callings. I use the internet to proselyte and to spread the gospel. We are the missionaries that take all the chats that come to I was wanting to see if youd like to be a part of teaching some of our different investigators that we get from the site. Please email me if you have some time and I can explain more to you about what I do and how you can be part of the online missionary effort. My email here is I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks : )
lovin the shoes grace, loving the shoes.
And hopefully those raunchy girls from last year are gone?
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