Well today is a day of reflection for our family, it was 2 years ago today that our friends Kaytee and Kenzee were killed in a car accident. Lexi actually flew to Las Vegas yesterday to be with the Andersons today, it helps her and them to be together this time of year. I often reflect on both girls and I thought I would tell something about them that made them special to me.

Kaytee May had the most incrediable laugh, I have a thing for laughs and hers is one that I can still hear in my mind. She was a funny lady, tough as nails but also with a tender heart and she loved her family.

Kenzee was often quiet around me but when she and Lexi thought I couldn't see or hear them her silly self would come shining through. She use to call our house over and over again leaving messages for Lexi hoping that we might pick up on the next call. One day she left 16 messages in a row, I actually had saved one of them just because her voice sounded so cute. Lexi loved her so much and I will never never forget the day I found out she was gone, telling Lexi was one of the most painful things I have had to do in my life and as a Mom. Time doesn't make it hurt less but it just means there is less time until we see them again!

We miss you girls!!
Today is also a happy day cause my baby boy is 17 months old!! A few stats

12 teeth with more coming up
23 lbs
20th Percential
Had his first hair cut a few weeks ago (I buzzed it)
Size 5 shoe
Size 12 months clothes (some 12-18 months)
Sweetest smile on the planet
Thinks he is funny as heck!
Totally a BOY!!
Loves to throw balls/rocks/dirt/toys/food!
Loves his sisters
Loves Chicken w/ Rice Soup/Doughnuts/Water/Cheese/Bananas/Grapes/Gold- Fish/Hot Dogs
Wants to be outside all day!
He really is my little buddy and I enjoy being his Mom more and more everyday!
20th Percential
Had his first hair cut a few weeks ago (I buzzed it)
Size 5 shoe
Size 12 months clothes (some 12-18 months)
Sweetest smile on the planet
Thinks he is funny as heck!
Totally a BOY!!
Loves to throw balls/rocks/dirt/toys/food!
Loves his sisters
Loves Chicken w/ Rice Soup/Doughnuts/Water/Cheese/Bananas/Grapes/Gold- Fish/Hot Dogs
Wants to be outside all day!
He really is my little buddy and I enjoy being his Mom more and more everyday!

those girls were so beautiful. That was a nice tribute.
Jamesy is a cutie.
What a great post. It's amazing how many people those two girls' lives touched. They are missed by many!
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