So last night I got the greatest surprise!! I was in my room minding my own when I heard my mother calling me from down stairs so naturally I had Lexi open the door to see what she needed :). She told Lexi she needed Me, so I took James away from his "comfort food" and walked out to the landing and she says "your friends are here", well since I wasn't expecting anyone I was a little confused so I came down stairs and to my wonderment my friend of nearly 14 years whom I haven't seen in I don't know how long was standing at the door, Sarah (Seeley) Peterson!! Now she no longer lives in Vegas so I was definitely surprised but sooo excited, I honestly can't remember the last time we saw each other. She came in with her three sweet children and we were able to spend a good hour just catching up! Sarah and I were great friends in High School and have tried to stay in touch one way or the other over the years. She is fabulous and so much fun to be around! Thanks so much Sarah for stopping by, it was a special treat to meet your beautiful kids and see you! Can't wait till your next visit!

Ok onto some other business! So I have been wanting to organize and start up a Co-op, for those that don't know what it is let me explain. You start with as many couples as want to participate and then each couple is allotted a set amount of dates/per month (how ever many the group agrees on), then each couple take turns watching the children once a month while others go on their dates. There are lots of different ways to run one and each Co-op can decide what works for them! Anyway I would love to find some others that want to go on dates with their husbands and don't feel like paying for a babysitter! If you are interested and you live in Vegas email me at marylinkelley@gmail.comThe other Co-op I want to start is one for the Tuesday Morning Adult Institute Class that Tom Wilson teaches. I haven't been able to go much in the last several years since they are no longer able to do babysitting so if there are any of you that would like to trade off so that one week out of the month you babysit and the other three you get to go to the class let me know and we will get it going!!!
I couldn't agree more, Sarah is way fun to be around! That's awesome you were able to spend some time together. I don't think I have seen her for about 10 years. Wow!
Where is the Institute class taught?
Nice! I love seeing old friends. I think I remember that girl? Was she blond before? Anyway..uh. nice reel big fish shirt!! I loved that band back in the day. I've been to a few of their shows. :)
Thanks Liz, your so nice! And Jessi, yes I used to be blonde. I think I remember you too.
Marylin, thanks for such a good visit, it was so fun to meet your kids, they are so cute. That little Lexi is just like her mommy!
Thursday nights I have school, but other than that I'm free whenever. Let me know what works for everyone else.
I'm all about the date co-op. Sign me up:)
I want in on both the co-ops! Sounds good! When is the class? Not too early I hope?
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