So for those planning on coming Friday to the "Blogger in Real Life" girls night it is a pot luck as you know and the rules for what to bring are this; It must be something that you found on a blog or posted on a blog, that way it goes with the Blogging theme!! Thanks in advance and can't wait to see you there!! :)
I have the perfect thing, but it's sweet! Hopefully someone brings something more....hmmm, I can't think of the word. Anyway, something for fill us up so the sweets don't make us sick! :-)
Oh yeah I am planning on doing some more filling dishes!! :)
Sorry I can't make it, it sounds like fun, but I will be on a flight to NYC!!
It sounds so fun, wish I could come but we are blessing Sydney that weekend and all the family is coming in town. Hope it is a success and you do it again!
I am hoping I'll make it. I was gonna just get a sitter cause it's been to long since I ate and laughed with a bunch of beautiful women, but Chuck is sick. I'm not sure if he'll be up to dealing wiht the kids or not and it would just be plain awkward to get a sitter any way:) I've got my fingures crossed.
Wish I were there :(
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