While I have spent most of my life here, I had some of the most magical years as a little girl in Steamboat Springs, CO. We moved there when I was not yet 2 and stayed there until the summer after Kindergarten. I have memories from our time there that have lasted me my whole life and are often the source of my "Happy Thoughts". When I began doing yoga nearly 8 years ago our instructor would council us to find a place in our minds that we could go to, to COMPLETELY Relax, well for me it was straight to the enchanted land of Steamboat Springs. Our time was short there but we lived in 5 different houses and one in particular stands out the most for me. It was out in the country with nothing but land for miles on each side, it was log cabin style with a side porch and a stream flowing behind it. I had my very own room with a giant walk in closet where my parents had set up a little play area for me complete with school desk. This closet wasn't just any closet though, it was my office, my desk was like a teachers desk only made for little kids and I had all my most important papers sorted neatly on it, I had a play phone to make phone calls and I would spend hours in my imagination. I remember how I felt while playing in there, free of stress and full of dreams, I could be whatever I wanted, a business women, a teacher, a doctor, a singer, a mom, it was my Narnia.
I have always felt blessed for the time that I was able to spend there as a child. It was a very small town, we spent winters skiing, ice skating and sledding, while summer was filled running through fields, catching tadpoles in the nearby stream, riding horses and Friday nights at the rodeo. I will never forget how on Sunday mornings as we drove to church there would be hot air balloons dotting the sky, enchanting I tell you. We were not rich but I felt like the luckiest kid alive while riding next to my Dad in his big orange (he says it use to be red) GMC truck with the radio on and singing along with Christopher Cross and ToTo!! I pray for my kids to look back on their childhood and feel the way I do about mine.
This is not the actual truck but very similar.

I think my kids are going to say something along the lines of, "Remember that crazy homeless dude that walked around shirtless everywhere? Or the taggers? Or how Mom always made us lock the door and never let us play unless she could be outside watching us like a hawk the whole time.
So sad. My kids have been cheated!
What awesome pictures and memories from your childhood!
We had that same Christopher Cross album! We used to play my dad's records and dance to them in the family room, but no one was allowed to watch. My mom even made us skirts and leotards with sparkles on them so we could have "costumes". Those were the days. My favorite album to dance to was Billy Joel.
What cute, happy memories! That place is beautiful!
Wow! That place is beautiful! I can't believe you remember things from before you were five. I guess I might but since I was in the same place my entire life, they all just blend together. You are lucky! :-)
Wow, those are some lovely pictures! :) And, um...don't you need to have permission before posting LOVELY pictures of others in their bathing suits on your blog?!?! :)
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