I started loosing my mind, so as I began looking into what third row vehicles were out there the mini-van was both affordable and spacious. I started to see why so many people drive them, they are easy for kids to get into and they also do pretty good on gas. So after test driving one a few weeks ago the search began for the best deal! Our search took us to a dealership in St. George, UT that my parents have worked with for years. We got a Nissan Quest, it has power doors that make my life so much easier! The girls have plenty of room and they can get in and out so easily. Why did I fight it for so long? We even have room to grow, not that it will be anytime soon but if and when we do, there is room!! YAY for surrendering to the call of the mini-van!
That's awesome! Tom keeps teasing me about a mini-van someday too. I'm still in a little bit of denial, but lets face it they're pretty darn convenient. Not to mention, they make them pretty fancy shmancy these days.
We had the same problem. That is why we have a minivan now too. Oh well, it is much easier and most the time I forget I am driving one until I get out and see it!!
We had the same problem. That is why we have a minivan now too. Oh well, it is much easier and most the time I forget I am driving one until I get out and see it!!
I knew you'd love it! I don't mind running errands now and even Dave likes to drive it around. It's just so much easier with a baby and the other two kids. Now I can carpool to kindergarten next year!
Yay for mini vans!!!!!
I have yet to meet the mother of three (or more) children under 8 that would trade in her mommy machine. If you happen to get a bigger gap in kids it might be avoidable. Once you feel the joy of pushing a button to open doors you will never want to go back. Welcome to the club;)
Congrats!! It is so fun to get a new car. I can't wait to see it!! Love you
Marilyn, I am so happy that you found my blog! You have a beautiful family. James is to cute! He is actually 1year and 3 days younger then our baby Owen. How are things? I like your van!!
I felt exactly the same way about getting a van, and now 3 1/2 years later, I love my van. The automatic doors come in very handy. Especially when carrying a carseat full with baby in one hand and groceries in the other.
I also swore that I would NEVER drive a mini-van. But 4 kids later, trading in my SUV defiantly goes downs as one of my best decisions ever. I don’t know why I was ever so anti-van; I don’t think I will ever go back.
Thanks for all the support from all MV (mini-van) club members. It helps knowing I am not alone!! :)
I've always said I refuse to buy a minivan, but after only four years of motherhood I actually covet them. I love that you can push a button and the kids can get in and out independently and not hit the neighboring car with the car door. I love the space, I love the gas mileage, I love that you can access the back row without pulling any seats over. I'll have time for a cool car later in life, but for now I'm just dreaming of a minivan. Congrats!
Also, do people ever tell you that you look a lot like Rachel McAdams? Because I was watching a movie with her in it yesterday and I was like, "Hey, when did Marylin get famous?"
Shelley, Ha ha that is funny cause actually lately I have had a couple people say that. It is also funny that you say you covet them because for the few months that we started thinking about them I was looking at every mini-van that I passed on the road with a longing for one so it was great when I actually got one. And yes one day you will get one too, hopefully sooner rather than later!! :)
Everyone caves in and some point!
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