So I could be the only Mom out there that has done this but somehow I doubt it. After a weekend with family in town I decided Monday morning that I would get some laundry and cleaning done around the house and before I new it it was 4pm and time to start dinner so I got James fed and asleep so I could get everything cooked before he would be hungry again. I made dinner and fed it to the family and it was shortly after this that I realized I had not yet taken a shower! Now I tend not to let that happen very often because I don't want my husband to come home to a smelly wife but yesterday was a weak point in that practice! Anyway so this morning I got Lexi to school and then came home to first give Grace a bath and then James. I got James smelling all nice and dressed and was holding him and he seemed a bit uncomfortable so I thought he might still be hungry so I started to feed him, but after just a few seconds he pulled away, so I put him over my shoulder to see if he was needing to burp and well my thought was answered (James is not a big spitter upper normally) and here is the result!!
So needless to say it was at this point that I decided to take a much needed shower!! And as for James well he managed somehow not to get anything on himself and was feeling much better afterward!
Oh my gosh! Look at that smile, so mischeivous :) and yes I can completely relate :)
wow!! How gross, but thanks for sharing it did make me laugh. Im glad James got blesses and he looks so adorable.
Mommy target practice! He looks very pleased with himself!
At least you were at home so that you could take a shower…
Tiffany, so true! :)
hahahaha... I'm rolling thinking about when and where it has happened to me!!
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