So several of my friends have told their sweet stories of how they met their husbands and such so I thought I would do the same thing!
1.Where did you meet your spouse? We met when
we were 9 at Lewis E. Rowe Elementary School. We were also in the same ward and his Dad was our home teacher. They moved back to Colorado when we were 12 and he ended up in my cousins ward in Littleton, this is how we were able to keep in touch off and on over the years!

2.What was the first thing you said to your spouse? I have no idea cause it was 20 years ago, but something like "Hi" sounds right :) We mostly liked to stare at each other! I remember when our family's would sit somewhat close during sacrament meeting we would catch one another looking and then quickly look away. We did talk on the phone though, it was much less intimidating.
3.Where was your first date? Our first official date was the night he proposed, we went to his work party at Applebees and then to a park.
4.Where was your first kiss? It was in his parent's basement when we were 24, he was sitting on the couch and I was gonna go upstairs or something and I leaned over to kiss him before I left. He still hasn't forgiven me for not kissing him when we were 12 at a Youth activity but hey I wasn't going to in front of all the kids in our ward :)

His Parents House
5.Who said “I love you” first? I can't remember, we would write it in the notes we wrote in grade school but he probably said it first when we were older.

A love letter Jimmy wrote to me in the 5th grade
6.Did you have a long or short courtship/engagement? Well if you start from 9 it was 15 years of courtship, if you start from when we were actually old enough to get married it was short. From the day he called me (after not talking for 3 years) to the day we got married was exactly 5 months.

7.Where did you get engaged? We got engaged in Parker, Colorado in a park on a bench that Jimmy and his friend Conrad made for Conrad's Eagle Scout Project.
8.Where were you married? We were married in Las Vegas in my parents back yard and then two years later we were sealed with our girls in the Las Vegas temple.

9.How did your reception go? Our reception was fine, but the photographer took our pics the entire time so that was unfortunate for us because we didn't get to talk to anyone or eat anything :(

10.Where was the Honeymoon? We spent the first two nights in the Alexis Park Hotel in Vegas and then we went on a road trip to Colorado. We took a week to get there (there was a second reception there) we stayed in some great hotels along the way, our favorite was in Moab, Utah it was at the Sorrel River Ranch. It was beautiful!

11.If you could have changed anything about your day what would it have been? I wish we could have spent time talking to our friends and family instead of taking pics. Oh and I would have the cake that I had wanted, instead of the one that was made, it was fine but it wasn't the one I had ordered.
We have been married 5 years now and have known each other for almost 21 years and I love him more than ever! He is soo good to me and I am grateful for everyday that I get to be married to him.
Awwwww I love your guys story, I always tell it to people when talking about awesome love stories, you're an inspiration :)
Wow! you guys are so cute and beauitful at the same time. Im so glad that you are both a part of my life. Your blog is wonderful!!!
Wow what a beautiful bride! So fun to read you story - I never knew!
I didn't know any of that either. How adorable that you knew each other when you were little. I always wanted a story like that. So sweet! I'm so glad you shared.
I love that you guys have know each other for so long. Jason and me have also known each other since we were little kids. We actually grew up across the street from one another. Love the old pictures!!
I saw this earlier but I got interrupted and so I wasn't able to comment. This is SO dang cute! I can't get over Marylin's childhood picture or the love note! So cute! I'm so glad you saved it!
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