You need; a cookie sheet, square shaped pretzels, Hershey's Hugs and plain M&M's.
1.Heat oven to 100 degrees or the lowest it will go.
2.Put a layer of pretzels on the cookie sheet
3.Place a hug on each pretzel
4.Put in oven and allow them just enough time to melt the hug onto the pretzel (depending on oven, 3-5 min)
5.Remove from oven and then place two M&M's on each pretzel
6. Then place them in the fridge for 5-10 min allowing them to set (your cookie sheet should not be too hot to place the entire thing in the fridge)
Alexis, Grace & our friend Gabby, my little helpers!!
This is great! Looks quick, easy and with no mess! Ive been doing things with the kiddos to keep them busy over the break. Im going to be adding this to the list!! Thanks
I love easy ideas like this! I am totally trying it for Easter! Thanks for sharing.
OK we made these for John's family Easter get together...they were a hit! I couldn't find any regular sized M & M's, so I just put one big M & M egg, instead of two like you guys did. They are delicious!
I made these with Brooklyn. They were delicious, and Brookie was so excited to help. Thanks for sharing!
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