However I am not going to tell you that instead I will say that I am still alive and breathing most days. Having a slight mid-life crisis? Still deciding on that one since I am not sure if you can have one at not yet 32!! I have lots to show and tell about some projects that have squeezed a little time out of me! So don't give up on me just yet! Now I have to go deal with the almost 12 year old and her parent teacher conferences!! Good times!
Oh and since my friend Rachel is much better at getting pictures on her blog than I am lately I stole these from her! Thanks Rach!! :)

from a fun day picking berries with Buddy!!

OH AND GO VOTE FOR ME Don't tell them though! - Do Parents Really Know Best? | iVillage Parenthood Contest
oh, you thief! j/k. i need to be better at sending out photos that i take of people....i'll make you a CD with all of them from the past month.....then you can use them guilt free :) we should plan another play date for the boys.
Adorable pictures...James is just getting soooo big! He looks so cute with his lil' buddy. ;)
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