Today is my Gracie's Birthday!! I can't believe that 6 years has gone by and she has only had stitches ONCE (knocking on wood now)!! To be honest I try to forget the last few weeks of my pregnancy with Grace because I was 3 weeks overdue and a total NUT CASE by the time I had her but I suppose that was the warm up for her arrival!!
Grace is funny, silly, imaginative, wild, thoughtful, loving, affectionate, passionate and so many other amazing qualities. My life would have been way too boring without Grace, she humbled me, strengthened me and just plain toughened me up in just a few short years! When you are blessed with a child like Grace, everyday is eventful, mind twisting and sunny! Her moods are vast and her senses are tuned like a cheetah stalking its prey, one moment she is quiet, gentle and concentrated and the next the beast is released and duck and cover is your only option!
The Lord has something fantastic planned for Grace and I feel so honored to have been chosen to have a front row seat, although sometimes I have to close my eyes. I love being her Mother, even when she is testing all human boundaries and my patience! Happy Birthday Grace

Happy Birthday Grace! We are glad that you are YOU!
(kasey's comment) I remember the end of your pregnancy with Grace and how much you HATED you doctor for making you wait! Why she wouldn't just induce you was a mystery to us all. She is such a cutie!
Well behaved women rarely make history....isn't that the saying? A kid with spunk is something to be proud of. She'll make some man someday stay on his toes;-) Happy birthday!
You are sooo beautiful Grace!
Hi everyone- I have finally decided to set my family blog to private- now that I am finally catching up, I don't want to loose touch with anyone. Please please send me an e mail with your e mail address so I can add you- send it to Thanks! ( : Page PS make sure to check out my new political blog-linked to my family blog
Happy Birthday Grace!!! Can't wait for summer so you and Josh can have lots of play dates!
Hope you had a great birthday Grace. wow, six already. i remember when you were pregnant with her. I havnet been on here in a while so i was just watching the bully video. so sad. I have that. i so wish that the world was a nicer place. sorry it had to happen to sweet lexi. hang in there.
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