The last week with the Kelley's has been abundant with UPPERS & downers, mostly up, but how could we call it life if we didn't have the down along with it??!!
Last Thursday Lexi was leaving school to head to the bus when two boys were coming into the school pushed open the heavy metal door and it went right over the top of Lexis left foot!! She was only wearing flats so there was no protection for her foot and a big chunk was taken out of the skin!! ( YUCK, I can't really look at it) The nurse was off that day but the office staff made up for it and took really good care of her until I could arrive to pick her up. Long story short, she was doing pretty well until Wednesday of this week when it started to look infected so we took her to a medical clinic close to home (it stinks not having insurance). They were really great with her, cleaning the wound up and prescribing her some antibiotics to help the infection and taking an x-ray to check for a fracture, which there wasn't one. She is still on crutches and will be for a while longer while it heals, but she has been a trooper throughout the entire thing. I have missed her help with her siblings and around the house, and it has been a bummer to be hurt over Spring Break!! However it forced us to just relax and spend time at home with each other, and we have managed to come up with projects to work on here.

(The white stuff is medicine)
Speaking of projects, with the weather being absolutely PERFECT, and some fabulous finds on Craigslist I have been busy refinishing, rearranging and organizing many of the rooms in the house! The Spring Cleaning Bug has bitten and the itch has been ferocious, Monday I refinished both girls dressers and then attacked just about anything I could get my hands on with spray paint. I also started and finished some sewing projects, began the revamping of the Master bedroom, hung curtains in the living room, and continued organization of my office/guestroom/sewing room!!

Lexi's new dresser from Craigslist ($10), I had already removed the handles... do this

(The finished product along side Graces' dresser from a thrift store for ($7), it was white)
My new favorite piece of furniture (Craigslist $40)

(Latest Baby blanket)Whew I am tired just typing it!!
By Thursday I finished the overhauling of the girls room, and wanted to crawl into bed but instead I continued on with more sewing projects and spending some much needed time with the husband.

This week we also participated in an Easter Egg hunt and I had Young Women's on Wednesday evening. Jimmy has been working lots of hours on his website and other side projects, as well as hearing good things about the continued contract at the Base.
(James and Grace waiting and listening to the instructions)
very exciting for me, I have been offered the opportunity to write for an internet company, and get paid!!! The details are still be worked out but it looks like I will be able to do it in my "spare time" ha ha, and make a little extra spending money.
Don't worry, just in case you think I have it all together, this week has also been sprinkled with crying, fighting, tantrums, yelling and pure exhaustion not to mention the kids have been acting up as well!! LOL
The Master Bedroom is still in the works but I can't wait to finish cause I am already in....