So yesterday the 14th of December was our 5th Anniversary! In some ways it seems like we have been together longer, but maybe that has something to do with the fact that we met when we were 9. Jimmy and I don't usually do anything wild and crazy for our Anniversary because it is close to my birthday & Christmas but we always try to do something. Now I am sure I will get several emails out of pure envy but try to contain yourselves ladies,because for our special night we got to go to Jimmy's work Christmas party!! I know, I know, you are gonna have to give your husbands a hard time because that is just such an amazingly romantic way to celebrate but try to give them some slack! It was kind of a bummer that they were falling on the same night and we wouldn't have gone if they didn't give out prizes. We made the best of it though, Jimmy sent me flowers that day, although I was picking Alexis up from school when they came. He also tried to surprise me by coming home early from work but again he came home when I was picking up Alexis so in actuality he sent himself flowers and shared them with me when I got home :) poor guy he was trying! That night a friend volunteered her time (birthday gift from an amazing friend) to watch the girls so we could go out. We went to the work party and just tried to enjoy the fact that it was dinner with adults (some of which were a little on the drunk side) instead of children. Afterwards we stopped at Old Navy for a pick me up, I needed something comfy to wear home from the Hospital when I have the baby and of course we found a few other delightful things, ok so it was me that found a few other things but who's keeping track :). So anyway tonight we had a real dinner with just us, we found another babysitter (not free) but still a babysitter and Jimmy surprised me with one of our favorite places to eat, The Melting Pot. The food was awesome and then afterwards we did our Christmas shopping for the girls. It was a nice evening being with him, I really feel blessed to have a husband that works so hard and loves me sooo much. He really has made the last 5 years a dream for me! I must say that having had some knowledge of the not so dreamy guys out there I am thankful everyday for my warrior! He knows me really well and yet he still likes me! :)

1 comment:
Thank you just doesn't do it. But Thank You anyway the book is amazing!!! I sent you an email let me know it you got it.
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