Well a few weeks back I made the plans to be gone two weekends in a row, I thought it sounded sooo fun! Well I guess that maybe I should have been thinking with my pregnant brain instead of the non-pregnant brain! Well Friday, Nov. 9 Alexis and I headed out for a girls weekend. We drove to Murray Utah and stayed in the Fairfield Inn.
One of the main reasons for going was so I could have a 4D Ultra sound done. A sweet friend of mine, Caley works in a place that does them and she is a tech so on Friday evening we met her at the office. WOW it was so amazing to see my little boy. While he refused to open his eyes he did give us some smiles and he punched himself in the face a few times hee hee. He got really shy when he realized the camera was on him, when she began the scan he was spread eagle, but once she took a picture he used his hand to cover up!! Silly boy!! It was a really neat thing to have done!
The rest of the weekend was kind of a blur, we hung out with an Old friend of mine, Gentry and her girls whom happen to live in the area. We went to IKEA! Oh man, OH Man! I was the most excited to go because we do not have one here in Vegas and I haven't been anywhere to go into one so it was my very first time! I think it is best however that we don't have one near us cause I might get myself into trouble! Although, one thing I would say I did not like about IKEA was the whole "mouse in a maze" feeling! You could only Exit out one way and of course it was at the very back corner of the store so you have to walk through the entire store to get out! It was fun though and I found some goodies to purchase!
We ate lunch at Noodles N Company and then said by to our friends and then Lexi and I spent some much needed Mom and Daughter time. We went to the book store and had hot chocolate and found some good books! Like moths to a flame we found the mall and did a little shopping. Now to go out with a bang we stopped for a little dinner on our way back to the motel and what a mistake that would turn out to be!! I woke up 3am Sunday morning sick out of my mind!! I stayed most of the night on the bathroom floor or in the bathtub! Now I won't say the name of the place that gave me food poisoning but I will give a hint it started with an A and ended with an RBY'S! Now lucky for Alexis she was safe, and she slept soundly!

We made the long drive back today and even with the food poisoning it was a great weekend with my Lexi, she was great company!! My husband and Grace were sooo glad to see us return and I have decided that next time I come up with an idea to travel while 7 and a 1/2 Months pregnant I will just take a nap instead! :)
What a fun trip! Sorry you got sick. The pics of James came out very good!
Such cute pics of a very cute boy!
Also, you're tagged! See my blog for the rules!
What a fun trip! I love those 4-D ultra sound pictures. I love that you can already see his chubby little cheeks. I had that done with Reese and I thought it was the coolest thing. So cute of you to have a little mommy-daughter time. I bet she will remember and love that.
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