Well with the last name Kelley one might think there was some Irish, but actually to make a long story short, there isn't a speck of Irish in our family!! The last name Kelley started out as O'Kelley but somewhere along the lines someone forgot the 'O', any who, Jimmy was not born with the last name Kelley, he adopted it later (very very condensed version). So, we are the Kelley's, which is an Irish name but we are not Irish!
Anyway since my favorite color in the world is Kelly Green, my last name is as previously stated, Kelley, and my most beloved childrens cereal is Lucky Charms, St. Patricks Day really should be my favorite holiday, it's not, but it should be! It has been a few years since I last made a "deal" about St. Patty's Day but I was in the mood, so I went to work planning and cooking a GREEN Dinner!
I must confess that I wish I had the energy and will to make more fun out of the holidays, once upon a time I made special dinners for all of them but then I got old and grumpy and stopped. So this really was a treat for the family, most nights they are lucky to not be poisoned!
The dinner consisted of Pasta with Pesto Sauce, green jello with bananas, green colored apple dip, green veggies, pickles, and green rice crispy treats for dessert! I was so happy that the kids and Jimmy enjoyed the Green theme and they have now assigned me the task of doing dinner in color themes from now on, not gonna happen, but it's a fun idea (maybe I will on occasion).

I was proud of myself for being the good wife/mother yesterday and doing something fun, just for the fun of it. I know my limits people, yesterday was a good day!

Me and My Baby
YOu are my HERO! The dinner was SO cute. Also, you need to frame that picture of you and Grace! You both look beautiful and genuinely happy. I'm glad you had a SUPER MOM day. I love when that happens. :)
Nice going momma. I love it. I love, "most nights they're lucky not to get poisened," the most. LOL!
What a fun day! BTW - I'm feeling the "boob" thing....(no pun intended)LOL!
The boob comment made me really laugh! And you are a great mom, better than you give yourself credit for. Your kids are LUCKY to have you!
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